The Best 11 Indoor Cat Breeds You’ll Want to Take Home

The Discerning Cat

Looking for a breed of cat that doesn’t want to roam? Take a look at this list of the best indoor cat breeds that don’t look to leap through every open door.

The Discerning Cat

Their idea of a good time is occupying the windowsill, soaking up the sun, or finding a comfy sofa and hogging all the soft pillows.

The Discerning Cat

Scottish fold cats crave attention and make great companions, so expect to play with them when you get home from work or school.

Scottish Fold Cat Breed

Younger Burmese cats are curious and active, and as they get older, they become placid and prefer to watch rather than get involved in activities.

Burmese Cats

Ragdoll cats adjust well to living indoors and are ideal for anyone with a hectic lifestyle, as they are easy-going and well-behaved. They learn quickly, as well as learn good behaviors.

Ragdoll Cats

While they are great indoor cats, they seek companionship from their owners, including sitting on laps and snuggling in bed.

Siamese Cats

These felines are intelligent, active, and require regular stimulation. Devon Rex cats are jumpers, and their favorite place is at head level, so perches and cat trees should be provided.

Devon Rex Cats

This breed is quiet; they plop down on any soft surface and pose for your appreciation. These elegant cats are not very active, which makes them one of the best indoor cats.

Persian Cats

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