The Ultimate Cat Feeding Guide

Wet and Dry Foods

Every cat has different needs and tastes. The most popular cat food choices tend to be wet, dry or grain-free. The most popular cat food choices tend to be wet, dry or grain-free.

The best way to decide which type of cat food is best for your feline is to check out ratings and reviews, talk with your vet and see how your cat reacts to different products and brands.

The Ultimate Cat Feeding Guide Wet and Dry Foods

Wet cat food has at least 65% moisture content. Wet food is generally cooked at high temperatures for sterilization. This means it generally has quite a long shelf life.

What is Wet Cat Food?

Cats love It Cats tend to prefer wet cat food to dry cat food. The texture and ingredients of wet food provide a different eating experience.

What are the benefits of Wet Cat Food?

Easy to Chew The soft texture of wet cat food means that is easy for cats to chew the contents. This can be particularly useful for older cats and for young kittens.

Helps to increase water intake As cats evolved in arid climates if they are not receiving enough moisture in their food their habit will be to store their urine rather than to seek out more water.

Helps to manage certain health conditions Wet food can be particularly good as support to good urinary health in cats. Wet food consumption means that a cat’s urine will be more diluted.

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