According to The International Cat Association, there are 71 standardized cat breeds.
As long as you know how to care for your cat, each and every one of these breeds can be a wonderful addition to your life.
Some of them, luckily for us, are particularly weird and wonderful. Keep reading to find out all about the strangest of our furry feline friends.
The Cornish Rex cat has a head shaped liked a triangle. As a result, its eyes and ears are prominent and large. The eyes of the Cornish Rex cat tend to be golden in colour although that can vary.
Minskin cats have quite stocky bodies and rather short lets. Their coat is unique due to its lack of fur. The Minskin breed was created from the Sphynx cat breed.
The mischievous Devon Rex cat, also known as the pixie cat, is a loving and loyal feline breed. They make the ideal companions and welcome family and friends’ attention, as well as being great with kids and other pets.
This interesting, elegant feline is closely related to the Oriental Shorthair cat, but it has a long, silky, healthy coat. Which suits its long, tubular body particularly well.
The Maine Coon cat, named after their native state of Maine, is the largest breed of domesticated cats. From their nose to their tail, they are, on average, an impressive 1m long.
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