Do Cats Dream? What Do They Dream About?

Cats sleep 15 hours a day on average – twice as much as human beings. Cats need sleep to quickly restore their energy and get ready for the next hunt.

Whilst domesticated cats don’t need to or can’t hunt they are still wired to do this. Also, sleep is critical for cats to survive and be in good health.

Essentially cats sleep for the same reasons that humans do. So let’s find out – Do Cats Dream Too?

The general wisdom is that cats dream for the same reason as all mammals. Sleeping helps us to process experiences and information.

Why do Cats Dream?

 Everything from playing with their owners to contact with other animals or humans or time spent cuddling. Cats often use sleep to recall and organize the events of their day.

What do Cats Dream About?

The most significant indication of a cat dreaming is when its body is in a completely relaxed and slack position.

How do you know if your cat is dreaming?

There is no clear evidence to support that cats have nightmares or bad dreams.

Do cats have nightmares or bad dreams?

Again, like their owners, cats may have trouble sleeping and reaching that all-important REM stage. Cats can suffer from insomnia as well as sleep apnea.

Do Cats Sleep Well?

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