What Does It Mean If a Cat Headbutts You?

The Discerning Cat

Do you often find your cat head butting you? What does it mean when a cat headbutts you? Do cats headbutt to show affection – or is it anger?

The Discerning Cat

After all, unlike among cats, headbutting is not something we’re familiar with as humans. Find all the theories in this story about what it means when a cat headbutts you.

The Discerning Cat

If your cat is purring while headbutting you, then it is quite likely that they are looking for affection. And you should, by all means, try to return their sentiments.

Your Cat Headbutts You to Gain Affection

Scent is used by cats to mark territory as belonging to them. But cats also use scent to mark areas and people who are judged to be safe by them.

A Cat Headbutts To Mark Territory

A cat’s sense of smell is far stronger than its visual memory, so marking safe places with scent is a much more efficient way of getting around.

A Cat Headbutts To Feel Safe

If your cat tends to tuck its head down or turn to the side after it has headbutted you, then it is most likely that attention is its goal.

Your Cat Headbutts You to Gain Attention

If your cat has no behavioral issues allowing them to feel a bit of power over you won’t normally cause any issues. It may actually help your cat to feel safe.

Sometimes Cats Headbutt To Dominate

Headbutting between cats is a way to show respect or to align themselves with that cat, like if there are several cats in a household. Headbutting also allows cats to exchange scents.

Why Do Cats Headbutt Each Other?

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