What Makes My Cat Sleep On My Legs? 12 Surprising Reasons

The Discerning Cat

While many cat owners are more than happy to curl up with their kitties, there is often the mystery of why cats enjoy sleeping on their human’s legs.

The Discerning Cat

So let’s dig deeper into why cats do this and whether it’s something you should be concerned about, or just thankful for.

The Discerning Cat

The thighs are one of the closest places to the body’s core, providing a comforting warmth. Your cat may be cold or seeking that comfort to sleep.

Your Legs Provide Warmth

Sleeping on your body can make your kitty feel safe and secure. When sleeping on your lap, they’re able to register every movement and change in your location.

They’re Looking for Safety and Security

If you’re ill or not feeling great, your cat may pick up on this and want to cheer you up. By laying on you and purring they’re trying to comfort you and make you feel better.

They’re Comforting You

Just the feeling of being near their human can make a cat feel snug and content. Sleeping on your legs allows them to feel your presence while peacefully napping.

They Want to Be Close to You

Cats have instincts that make them wary of any dangers, and falling asleep requires a feeling of security. From your legs, they have the perfect view of the room around them.

It’s a Good Viewpoint

If you’re sleeping in bed, your legs provide a good space that probably doesn’t move as much as your head. And when you’re seated, your legs are the most level space for a ball of fur to curl up on.

Your Legs Are the Most Accessible

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