When Do Cats Shed The Most?

Part of caring for your cat is knowing their behaviors and habits. This helps you understand when something they’re doing or experiencing is normal or concerning.

Keeping an eye on their shedding cycles can help you understand their well-being quite a lot.

Find out when cats shed the most, why they shed, and when they are shedding excessively.

They do this for several reasons, but the main reason is to get rid of dead hair. If they have too much unnecessary hair tangled in their coat, it can cause them irritation.

Why Do Cats Shed?

Unlike humans, cats can’t just put on or take off their coats when they get hot or cold. So, during seasonal changes, they’ll shed their winter coat for a lighter one to regulate their body temperature.

Cats start to shed their coat from a young age when they’re still kittens. Depending on their breed, they can begin to shed between six to 12 months of age.

The time of the year cats shed the most depends on their environment. Cats shed according to how many hours they spend in sunlight.

When Do Cats Shed the Most?

This is called a photoperiodic reaction and affects most living things, including plants. Whether your cat spends more time indoors or outdoors will determine when they’ll shed most.

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