What to Do if Your Cat Has a Cold

The Discerning Cat

The Discerning Cat

Have you heard your cat sneezing? When you’ve looked at them, did they seem a little off? Watery eyes? A little sorry for themselves?

The Discerning Cat

If your cat does indeed have a cold, you’ll be happy to hear that there are some things you can do to make its life just a little bit more comfortable.

What to Do if Your Cat Has a Cold

Even a cat’s life can use a bit more comfort, right?

Turn Up the Humidity

A good room humidifier or even a vaporizer will come in handy at a time like this. A humidifier will help make the air more breathable, especially in drier climates.

You may want to try to gently dab or wipe any excess discharge from your cat’s nose. Older cats may not be able to keep the area in question as clean as they’d like. If your cat objects to this, that’s fine. It’s just an extra assist if it needs it.

Wipe Away the Excess Goop

Try to encourage your cat to eat as usual. You may need to invest in some extra exceptional tasty wet food.

Keep Food Handy and Try to Keep Kitty Eating

An extra warm blanky and a warm spot in the room (maybe closer to the radiator?) will be welcome. Also, more cuddles may keep some affectionate cats’ spirits up.

Keep it Comfy and Warm

As far as possible, keep kitty away from other cats, especially ones that are not vaccinated. URIs and viruses are highly contagious.

Keep it Away From Other Cats

Most importantly, do not give your cat any human medication or hand-me-down remedy. Only medication that is specifically prescribed for your pet is suitable for it.

Do Not Offer Human Remedies

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