When Do Cats Shed The Most? I What Owners Need to Know

Part of caring for your cat is knowing their behaviors and habits. This helps you understand when something they’re doing or experiencing is normal or concerning.

Keeping an eye on their shedding cycles can help you understand their well-being quite a lot.

Find out when cats shed the most, why they shed, and when they are shedding excessively.

The time of the year cats shed the most depends on their environment. Cats shed according to how many hours they spend in sunlight.

When Do Cats Shed the Most?

This is called a photoperiodic reaction and affects most living things, including plants. Whether your cat spends more time indoors or outdoors will determine when they’ll shed most.

Outdoor cats get the most amount of sun as they’ll probably spend hours lazing in it and bathing in its warmth.

When do Outdoor Cats Shed Most?

For this reason, outdoor cats will shed mostly in spring and fall. As the seasons change from winter to summer, your cat’s coat will start to change to accommodate the temperature change.

Indoor cats don’t need to shed their thick winter coats during spring. Instead, they steadily shed their fur all year-round. This also means that they shed little fur compared to the twice-a-year shedding that outdoor cats do.

When do Indoor Cats Shed Most?

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