Why Do Cats Lay on Their Backs?

The Discerning Cat

Who doesn’t love it when their cat lies on their back? It’s surely a sign of being ultra calm and relaxed around you, right? It’s also extremely cute.

The Discerning Cat

Yet, when you decide to try to rub their belly, you often get the wrath and rage of all cats in history. So why do cats lay on their backs?

The Discerning Cat

Believe it or not, a cat lying on its back may indicate a couple of things you might not expect.

Why Do Cats Lay on Their Backs?

The situation most of us want to feel and believe is that your cat trusts you. Just occasionally, when a cat is on its back, this might be the case.


The temptation is to approach with your hands. And that would be a mistake. Your cat is looking to play, and it always plays with claws and teeth. Save your hands and invest in a wand toy or something similar.

Play (or Mischief)

From time to time, your cat will be lying or sleeping on its back just because it is content. Take this as a sign that you have created a comfortable and safe space within your home.


If your cat’s eyes are fixed on you, leave the room, or try to divert its attention towards something else. At the very least, try to indicate that you’re not interested in interacting.


Firstly, if your cat has been spayed, this will not be a factor. Unspayed female cats who come into their heat cycle will sometimes show a readiness to mate by falling onto their backs. This is usually accompanied by other signs as well.


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