Why Do Cats Pull & Chew Their Nails?

When humans bite their nails, it’s usually dismissed as a nervous tick or merely a bad habit. At worst, it is thought of as impolite or unhygienic.

Cats chew their claws as a regular part of grooming – your cat enjoys cleanliness after all. Excessive biting can be a sign of an underlying problem, though. It could be a behavioral issue brought on by stress or anxiety.

Read on to find out why cats bite their nails and when you should be concerned.  

Cats will chew and bite claws and toes to eliminate unwanted debris and detritus, like litter or sand. This is especially noticeable in cats that enjoy the outdoors.

Claw Biting and Chewing is Normal

There are situations where nail-biting is abnormal. Excessive nail-biting is usually ascribed to either a medical or a behavioral problem.

When Should You be Concerned?

Stress or anxiety are the likely sources of many behavioral issues. Sometimes abject boredom or even loneliness is to blame.

Nail Biting Due to Behavioral Problems

Cats biting their nails isn’t unusual. But now and then, a cat may exhibit excessive biting that needs your attention and remedy.

As always, when in doubt, consult your vet. At the very least, it will cut down on your own anxious nail-biting over the issue.

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