Why Do Cats Shake Their Heads?

The Discerning Cat

4 Reasons

As a cat owner, it’s good to know a bit about cat behavior. After all, understanding your cat is the best way to ensure both of you are happy.

The Discerning Cat

Communicating without words can be challenging. But, there is so much to learn about your cat through their quirky behaviors.

The Discerning Cat

Let’s look at a few reasons why your cat shakes their head.

You might catch your kitty shaking its head after you’ve given them some loving pets, which can feel like a blow on bad days. Don’t worry. They’re not shaking you off. Most of the time, shaking is just a quick way for cats to rearrange their fur.

They Are Arranging Their Fur

If you’re spending some quality time with your kitty and find them shaking their head, the best thing to do is to stop petting them for a minute or two.

They Aren’t in the Mood

Animals are also prone to allergies that can make their noses and ears itchy. A quick shake often provides cats relief from allergies or just regular itchiness.

They’re a Little Itchy

Frequent head shaking coupled with scratching behind and around the ears can signify that your cat has an ear infection.

They May Have an Ear Infection

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