Why Do Cats Sleep in a Ball?

The Discerning Cat

You’ve probably come across this sweet sight many times—your furry friend curled into a tight ball and sleeping soundly.

The Discerning Cat

Cats take on many different sleeping positions that often leave us wondering why they would sleep in this way.

The Discerning Cat

While the curled-into-a-ball position is one of the more normal ways to see a cat sleeping, it might still make you wonder. Why do cats sleep in a ball?

Why Do Cats Sleep in a Ball?

One of the simplest reasons for this sleeping position is that cats find it comfortable. Even if your feline likes to stretch and contort itself into strange positions, it may just want a cozy position once naptime comes around.

Comfortable Position

Curling into a ball is a very basic sleeping position. Just like humans have preferences for sleeping on our side, stomach, or back, the curled-up position is a favorite for many cats.

Animals in the wild are vulnerable while they’re sleeping. Your cat’s ancestors had to find a way to protect themselves against potential predators while getting valuable sleep.

Staying Safe

Even though house cats are long past this type of danger, the instinct remains. By curling into a ball, your domestic feline is subconsciously protecting its most vulnerable areas.

Another reason why cats sleep curled up into a ball, is to conserve body heat. By curling up tightly until their nose and tail are touching, a cat’s body can retain its heat.

Keeping Warm

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