There are as many reasons for cats to sneeze as there are cat videos on YouTube. But we can cut down on those reasons by saying upfront that we aren’t talking about the occasional sneeze here.
It’s not exceptionally uncommon for cats to develop sneezing afflictions, and cat shelters often have isolation rooms for sneezy cats. Some of the reasons for that sneezing may explain why.
As with human flu, cat flu brings on sneezing, watery eyes, and the dreaded runny nose.
Viruses are infectious and are usually passed from cat to cat. Some viruses are carried for life in a dormant state.
Here are a few irritants that might cause sneezing in the feline member of your family: - Candles - Cat litter - Cigarette smoke
As odd as it may sound, sneezing can be a side effect of dental disease or disorder. Any infection of that general palate area may also affect the respiratory membranes that lead to sneezing.
Bits of plants or dirt lodged in this way can cause major sneezing fits. In many cases, once the offending object is dislodged, the sneezing will alleviate.
Sneezing could be amongst these side-effects, especially if medication has been administered via the mouth or nose.