Why Does My Cat Lay on my Chest?

As a cat parent, it’s handy to know as much as you can about your feline, such as how best to care for your cat, and even what their different behaviors mean – like why does my cat lay on my chest?

Not many people have stopped to ponder why cats like to lie on their humans, either. There are plenty of theories to discuss when it comes to why your babies may like to lounge around on your chest, limbs, or even your face.

Let’s dive right into some of the theories surrounding why your kitty may like to lie on you.

This may sound simple, but a physical touch from your cat can be as uncomplicated as them showing you they love you. Think of it as their way of giving you a hug or a cuddle. Let’s face it they’ve got a crush on you!

Your Cat Loves You

Whether that’s on a sunny windowsill or their human’s chest (or any body part for that matter), they’ll be content. Body heat is often the most consistently warm, so who can blame these little opportunists?

They’re Suckers for Some Warmth

These bodily rhythms remind them of the gentle purrs from their parents and can be deeply hypnotizing and calming.

Your Heartbeat Soothes Them

If you think about it, your cat trying to claim you is rather cute. They are known to lie on everything from their cat toys, beds, and even your clothes. This is because cats are very much territorial creatures.

Your Cat is Trying to Claim You

As mentioned previously, cats have a strong connection to smells and our chests certainly smell strongly of us. Familiar scents go a long way toward making your kitty feel reassured.

They Seek Security or Comfort

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