Why Does My Cat Sit On Me?

8 Reasons You Should Know

There are many ways to express oneself in cat word. Cats like to sit on laps because they feel secure and safe near you.

Once they feel satisfied, they’ll often leave to do something far more interesting.

Let’s take a look at some reasons why our kitties choose to sit on us rather than curling up on their comfy beds and with their toys. 

If your cat sits on your lap and stares at you and starts meowing, it’s possible they want your attention.

1. They Crave Attention

Cuddling up is just one of the many ways your kitty can show their love and affection to you. This rings especially true if you’ve been away all day and they’ve been alone.

2. They’re Affectionate

If your furbaby is lying on you a little too much, you can tempt her with a heated cat bed. The warmth mimics your body heat, giving a comforting alternative.


Cats have earned a fair reputation for being unfriendly, aloof, and preferring a solitary life. But as cat owners, we know this is far from the truth.

4. Your Fur Baby Wants To Bond

Scent matters to your kitty. Cats are territorial creatures and claim their turf by marking it with their smell. It’s one of the main ways they communicate.

5. They’re Dibbing Their Territory

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