Why Does My Cat Sleep with Me? 4 Reasons You Should Know

The Discerning Cat

For animals with the reputation of being cold and independent, many cats are surprisingly cuddly when it comes to bedtime.

The Discerning Cat

Understanding why they indulge in this behavior will help you to better care for and bond with your feline.

The Discerning Cat

Many of the factors that drive your fur baby to sit on your lap are the very same ones that lead him to curl up beside you in bed. Let’s take a closer look at this kitty behavior.

Cats are creatures of comfort. They want the snuggliest spot in the house. It doesn’t matter if that’s you or your overheating laptop — they want in!


Like their cousins in the wild, cats are territorial. In fact, a lot of your cat’s seemingly affectionate behavior is driven by a desire to mark you as theirs.

Territorial Behavior

Establishing a territory makes cats feel safe. However, they still want to find the most secure place in that area to doze off because this is when they are most vulnerable to attack.


Cats are social creatures, so they often cuddle with other felines in the house. Alternatively, they come to you. In both cases, it’s a means of reinforcing social ties.

Trust and Love

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