10 Possible Reasons Why Your Cat is Squinting One Eye

The Discerning Cat

The possible causes for your cat’s eye staying consistently closed range quite significantly.

The Discerning Cat

The problem could be as simple as a foreign object that has entered the eye, just like what happens to humans.

The Discerning Cat

On the other hand, it could be a sign of a more severe and complicated pause.

Entropion is a condition where an eyelid droops forward, causing irritation and damage to the eyeball and cornea.


It could, in fact, be a condition called blepharitis, which affects the eyelid itself. Portions of the eyelid can become flaky, and they may swell, preventing the eye from opening.

Problems With Your Cat’s Eyelid

Scratches to the cornea are common occurrences, especially in kittens, who roughhouse and claw as they learn to play and hunt.

Injury To Your Cat’s Eye

Glaucoma can happen if an eye infection goes untreated for a while.  Some breeds are also more prone to glaucoma. Certain kinds of injury or tumors might inform other causes.

Glaucoma in Cats

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