Why Is Your Cat Farting So Much 

The Discerning Cat

The Discerning Cat

Although most cat parents will never witness their cats pass gas, it does happen. When a cat farts, it’s silent and undetectable in odor.

But if you have noticed that your cat is doing this behavior frequently, that could be a sign of an irritable digestive system.

The Discerning Cat

Why is My Cat Farting so Much?

Whether your cat is passing wind that is silent, noisy, odorless or simply sickening in terms of stench – there is a list of contributing factors for your cats’ discomfort.

Digestive issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, respiratory diseases, and exocrine pancreatic deficiency are among the most common problems that cats face.

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Your cat’s behind can be the source of all kinds of diseases, from abscesses to anal gland disease. These issues are usually caused by your cat not being able to poop completely.

Anal Infection


Certain intestinal parasites can cause your cat to have excessive gas. Hookworms, roundworms, and Coccidia are all known to make cats break wind.

A Sudden Change in Diet

Humans might like the idea of eating the same every day, but cats don’t mind it. They actually prefer eating the same food at every meal. So, if you change their diet suddenly, it may lead to increased gas.

Swallowed Air

If your pet happens to gulp down everything it eats without chewing it properly, there’s a good chance that they’re swallowing a great deal of air along with cat food.

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