Can Poodles and Cats Get Along? What Owners Need to Know

The Discerning Cat

So poodles and cats – can they get along? The short answer is… possibly. There are some interesting aspects of a Poodle that suggest they might not.

The Discerning Cat

On the other hand, other characteristics seem to indicate that they might be one of the best dogs to co-habit in a home with a cat.  

The Discerning Cat

There are some considerations, of course, when it comes to different breeds. Here’s what to know about Poodles and cats and how they can work together.  

Can Poodles and Cats Get Along?

Bred as hunting dogs in Germany, Poodles were taught to retrieve, developing a strong prey drive in the process. This makes them prone to chasing things, especially animals that are smaller than themselves. 

Poodles: Background & History

They have lots of energy, which can be a problem if it gets out of hand and becomes uncontrollable. Some say this means they are high-strung, nervous, or aggressive compared to other breeds. 

Whatever the case, know that Poodles are hyper-aware of any other animals that are in the vicinity. While they are generally friendly, a situation may easily arise when their high activity level is misinterpreted as aggression by another pet, especially a cat.  

It’s worth saying at the outset that Poodles generally get along well with cats, assuming they are well-introduced. 

Personalities & Temperament

Poodles are affectionate and accept others into their packs easily. They will even start protecting a cat it sees as family.  

If properly socialized, Poodles can also be extremely calm, which suits a cat well. Cats rarely appreciate loud noises and rambunctious behavior. A calm dog is a welcome addition to a cat home.  

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