Why Do Cats Yawn?  7 Common Reasons

The Discerning Cat

Cats have body language that’s all their own, and everything from shaking their heads to keeping one eye closed has a purpose in their lives. 

The Discerning Cat

Whether that purpose is to communicate, self-soothe, or something more mysterious, it is for them to know and for us to try and figure out.  

The Discerning Cat

So let’s dig into the question, “why do cats yawn” and deconstruct this behavior to better understand your kitty companions.   

What Does it Mean When Cats Yawn? 7 Reasons

It’s one way to gather a lot of oxygen in one go, helping the brain to wake up fully after a snoozing session.  

They’re Just Waking Up

If they’re well taken care of by their humans with plenty of cat-friendly spaces, tasty treats, and are lovingly doted upon with attention, they’ll feel more relaxed.  

They’re Relaxed

You know that lovely feeling after a good yawn when your whole body relaxes and you slump a little on the exhale? Accompany that with a big stretch, and it feels just so magical.  

Or They’re Trying To Relax

On the flip side, if your cat doesn’t have enough toys to play with or simply feels unengaged with their environment, they may start yawning out of boredom. 

They’re Bored

Whether they want pets or food, they may start meowing at you to get it. You might see them start yawning too and wonder, “why is my cat yawning at me?” but it can be for the same reason.  


If they’re yawning in the vicinity of other strange cats, it may be their way of trying to show that they’re not a threat.  

It’s a Behavioral Cause

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