Why is My Cat Shaking?  4 Causes

The Discerning Cat

Seeing your cat shaking may be very alarming for a cat owner. For one thing, it’s an unusual sort of behavior, and your first instinct will likely be to assume the worst.

The Discerning Cat

First things first – don’t panic. Try to remain calm – there could be several reasons for your cat experiencing shaking, and not all of them are life-threatening.

The Discerning Cat

There may be different levels or degrees to the shaking. Perhaps only one section of the body is shaking, like a leg, the tail, or the belly, or the shaking could be more severe.

Why is My Cat Shaking?  4 Causes

Starting at what may not be too serious, your cat may be cold! Cats usually function between 100.5°F and 102.5°F. Yep, that’s warm compared to a human. But when they drift outside of these parameters, cats can get uncomfortable quickly.

Irregular Body Temperature

Fearful cats or those that suffer from extreme anxiety may shake. If it seems like there is no apparent injury or temperature-related discomfort, your cat may be suffering from anxiety or fear.

Pain, Fear, or Anxiety

Oddly enough, animal hypoglycemia is a more common cause for your cat shaking than you might imagine.


There is, of course, the possibility that your cat is ill. Several possible ailments or conditions might be causing it to shake.

Other Illness

Cats are wandering creatures, and any number of minor cuts, accidental ingestion, or plants can cause an infection. Infections are sometimes accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, and fever.


Cats are vulnerable to accidental poisoning, as they like to play and hunt in gardens. Pesticides, old food, and other chemicals may be present out there, and kitty may inadvertently ingest some of these things.


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