Minskin Cats

13 Things You Need to Know

The Minskin is a relatively new breed of cat that has drawn lots of attention in the cat world.

It has unique looks and an interesting pedigree (or history, at least) and seems to be finding a home amongst families in search of something unique.

Despite being so young in existence, Minskins do have particular traits and interesting things to note about them.

Minskin cats are small. They only weigh up to four pounds at maximum. As a result, they almost seem to remain as kittens their entire life – at least in appearance.

13 Things to Know about Minskin Cats

It is said that if there ever was a “designed” cat, it’s the Minskin. The creation of the breed is credited to Paul Sorley of Boston in the USA

The Minskin Was Custom Made

Not only is the Minskin a relatively rare breed, but its originating species are also quite rare. That makes the Minskin double-rare, we guess?

The Minskin Is a Rare Breed

Like other hairless or extremely short-haired cats, Minskins are vulnerable to certain dangers when outdoors. The chief amongst these is the sun.

Minskins Are Not Suited to the Outdoors

They love to climb, jump and run around and will find a way onto or into most things in your home.

Minskins Are Active and Easy to Train

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