Norwegian Forest Cat vs Maine Coon

Some experts believe that the Main Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat are indeed distantly related; specifically the Maine Coon is a descendant of its semi-long-haired friend.

When it comes to the Norwegian Forest Cat vs Maine Coon they do share many similarities.

We’ll explore the similarities and differences in looks, personalities, and more between the beautiful Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest cat breeds.

They are characterized by a furry coat that is fluffy and rich, although they are not technically long-haired like Persians, Chantilly-Tiffanys, or British Longhairs.

Breed Information

They’re not considered weird or unusual cat breeds,. In fact, their popularity seems to be growing amongst cat owners. Both of these breeds are for people looking for furry cats

Interestingly, the Norwegian breed almost went extinct in the early 20th century. It only survived due to a breeding program to save it in the 1930s.

Origin of the Norwegian Forest Cat Breed

The “Skogkatt” – as it is sometimes known in Scandinavia – may actually have been originally imported from the Middle East. It has a storied history in Norse mythology, though.

Maine refers to the state of Maine in the USA. There are several theories around the back story of Maine Coon cats.

Origin of the Maine Coon Cat Breed

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