13 Types of Ragdoll Cat Colors

and Coat Patterns You’ll Love

Chameleons of the feline world, introducing: the Ragdoll and its wonderfully spectacular, multicolor coat!

Ragdoll cat colors can really blow your mind, as they come in such a huge variety, as well as the multiple patterns the coats can come in.

While the blue eyes are a stunning marvel all on their own, it is a Raggie’s coat and colors that really take the cake.

This is a longhaired cat, so investing in a good cat brush is extremely helpful in managing their fluff.

Ragdoll Cat Colors: The Basics of the Coat

When it comes to a cat’s coloring, their kitty genetics is what controls all the color variation. Their genetics determine what a cat’s coloring will result in.

The Himalayan Gene: Temperature Check

Something you may not know is that Ragdolls come into this world pure white. Their coats only start developing colors as they grow older, since a kitten’s body temp is very high initially (Himalayan gene at play).

Ragdoll Kittens: Snow White and Super Fluffy

Ragdolls are very popular show cats, due to their stunning looks. Another interesting fact about Raggie coloring is that their noses and paw pads are often linked with the same color.

Ragdoll Cat: Colors fur Everybody

Ivory delight is what describes this color Raggie the best. A lovely ale ivory color covers most of their bodies, including their stomachs and chests.

Death by Chocolate

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