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Drama Kings and Queens: The 13 Most Dramatic Dog Breeds

Admit it… some dogs are so extra and dramatic that they’ll put the finest actors in Hollywood to shame. Some of our furry friends can give the likes of Johnny Depp or Al Pacino a run for their money. So, let’s find out the most dramatic dog breeds that need to get nominated for the Oscars in the United States.

A dramatic doggy is loud, reactive, and expressive. They’ll groan or grunt trying to get up, give you those puppy dog eyes when you discipline them, or whine and whimper when it’s time for a nap. Sound familiar to you? Congrats – you might have a drama queen on your hands (sigh).

If you’re not entirely sure yet, read on to see if your pup has made the cut. We’ll also cover why some dogs are so dramatic, the characteristics of each of the different breeds, and what you can do to make things less theatrical.


Why Are Some Breeds So Dramatic?

Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

If you’ve been wondering why your dog is so dramatic, it could be that they’re trying to tell you something. When trying to communicate with you, they’ll become super expressive and loud, which people label over-the-top.

Truthfully, dogs do not behave like this on purpose and don’t know when they’re being a bit melodramatic. That said, let’s have a look at some reasons behind this funny (and sometimes overwhelming) dog behavior.

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They’re Trying to Express Feelings of Anxiety

Photo by Saira Sustaita on Unsplash

An anxious or stressed-out pup will often act out loudly and dramatically – think of a husky during a thunderstorm. Dogs that feel anxious often burst out with very undesirable manners, but you must be patient and understanding in these situations.

You’ll know your furry friend is anxious when they bark, howl, drool, or pant excessively. Other out-of-place behaviors include shaking, pacing, jumping, hiding, and spinning in a circle. These seem extra, but your dog’s just trying to tell you their anxious.

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They Might Be in Pain

Photo by Katie Bernotsky on Unsplash

Dogs are really, really good at hiding pain, but sometimes it can be so intense they have no other option but to communicate that to you. If your pup displays any of the following behaviors, it might just be a sign of pain:

Shaking, crying, flattened ears, panting, aggression, grumpiness, low posture, lack of interest in play or exercise, limping, excessively licking specific areas, and loss of appetite. 

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Your Pup Is Probably Scared

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No, your doggo is not trying to audition for a William Shakespeare play, rather, something is making them feel scared. Ears pinned back, crouching, shivering, shaking, whining, barking, and crying are all signs of fear. 

Like hoomans, some dogs are more easily scared than others, as they all have unique fears. Whether they’re scared of loud noises, strangers, and other pets, like a grumpy old cat – it’s important to make them feel safe and secure.

Here are the 13 most dramatic dog breeds.

1. Dachshund

Photo by Alfo Medeiros From Pexels

The Dachshund is an adorable little pupper better known as the weiner, badger, or sausage dog, thanks to their odd (but beautiful) body shapes. This breed is ideal for first-time owners and small homes or apartments. They are friendly, lively, devoted, and absolutely love playing with their owners.

That said, they can develop some undesirable traits when not given enough attention and affection. See, the weiner dog does not fair well outdoors and wants to be close to their humans and feel part of the family. If that’s not the case, they may start acting as if they’re carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Also, in moments of distress, fear, or lack of attention, these short-legged pooches can be one of the whiniest dog breeds around.

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2. Chihuahua

Photo by Svetlana Ruskova From Pexels

Ah, the adorable Chihuahua knows just how to draw on your heartstrings. Hailing from Mexico, this toy dog breed has small bodies, heads, and short snouts – but with huge bulbous eyes that stare into your soul. They are alert, lively, courageous, and can display aggressive behavior at times.

Chihuahuas are seen as posh pooches and, thanks to celebrities, became an accessory that would pop its head out of a tiny designer bag. So, it’s no surprise that they demand royal treatment, requiring lots of love and attention.

If a chihuahua is scared or not receiving enough TLC, it’ll start shivering, shaking, and barking profusely. These aggressive dogs can look nervous, which is very dramatic, considering you’ve only left them alone for five minutes.

With patience and proper training, you can help them become less yappy and shaky.

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3. Beagle

Photo by Dina Nasyrova From Pexels

The Beagle sports that puppy-eye look without even trying, which may add to why they’re seen as drama queens. With long floppy ears, an athletic build, and glossy coats, it makes sense why dog lovers are drawn to this breed. 

Besides the looks, the Beagle has a great personality, displaying intelligence, kindness, calmness, and an even temperament.

However, these pups are no strangers to putting on a performance when needed. They’ll howl endlessly just because they’re bored or lonely or bark your ears off when feeling alarmed. Just know that Beagles are extremely emotionally sensitive and will pick up when you’re stressed – even imitating your energy.

Beagles might not be a match for first-time owners as they are a bit trickier to train compared to other breeds. So, if you’re unable to train this breed effectively, you might end up with a difficult, high-maintenance dog with dramatic mannerisms.

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4. Yorkies

Photo by Magda Ehlers From Pexels

The Yorkshire Terrier, otherwise known as Yorkie, is a British toy dog breed that resembles a teddy bear. These affectionate pooches show off long silky coats, big, round eyes with the tiniest snouts, and pointy ears. Though a small fluffy breed, they have huge hearts and spirited personalities.

If you are familiar with this breed, you’ll know that they’re also feisty, brave, tenacious, and very bossy at times. However, they’ll love you earnestly, enjoy snuggling up with their owners and play all day. Yorkies are excellent for families as they require a lot of attention and love.

You can expect frequent aggressive outbursts with loud yapping. These fur babies behave like overdramatic teens giving you sighs and side-eyes when things don’t go their way.

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5. Basset Hound

Photo by Jennifer Myers From Pexels

The next dog breed has a long droopy face and ears with big snouts, stubby legs, and sad-looking eyes. The Basset Hound was bred for hare hunting, which explains their super sense of smell. Unlike most breeds on this list, this scent hound ranks high in dogs that can be left alone throughout the day.

Basset Hounds are also low on energy, fond of naps, and sweet-tempered. These pups are easy-going, friendly, perfect for the family, and get along well with children and other pets. So, what makes them part of the drama crew?

For starters, they are insanely manipulative, using a soulful expression and a mournful howl to twist your arm. Bassets are extreme whiners, but there’s usually a simple explanation behind this behavior, such as hunger, thirst, sleepiness, or attention seeking. The rare occasions when these hounds are not whining is when they’re occupied with treats, chewy toys, or a bone.

You might enjoy reading my article on dog breeds that whine a lot and all about the Shepadoodle.

6. Shih Tzus

Photo by Alexas Fotos From Pexels

The Shih Tzu looks very similar to Yorkies, also showing off long luscious manes, floppy ears, minuscule faces, short, flat snouts, and adorable bug eyes. They’re the ideal little pooch to pamper, play dress up with and spoil excessively. 

These toy doggies know just how irresistibly cute they are, which explains their dramatic antics. Shih Tzus are exceptional house dogs with loyal, caring, and friendly natures. 

They have a tendency to follow their owners all over the house, and you should try not to leave them alone for more than six hours. Get your earplugs ready, as these pooches are very prone to barking.

They’ll bark at visitors, other dogs, someone walking by, outside noise, and just about anything. The good news is you can train your Shih Tzu to no longer bark for attention with lots of consistency and patience.

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7. Pug

Photo by Burst From Pexels

With their wide smiles, droopy eyes, curled-up tails, and flattened ears, it’s hard to resist petting the charming Pug. Originally bred in China, Pugs are known for their clever, sociable, and playful characteristics. These pups are huge people-pleasers, can’t live without cuddling, and sleep more than the average doggo (14 hours a day).

That said, Pugs do have a mischievous side to them that most don’t know about. This includes excessive whining or barking when left alone, known as separation anxiety. They also have a knack for destructive chewing as a form of self-soothing when unhappy or neglected.

Don’t feel deterred from adopting a Pug, though, as these puppets will be the sweetest angels with enough attention and care. All should be good as long as they can curl up next to you, sit on your lap, or follow you from room to room.

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8. Pomeranians

Photo by KoolShooters From Pexels

It seems like you can expect all toy dog breeds to be over-the-top drama queens, and with Pomeranians, it’s no different. Boasting teeny neotenous faces, small, flat snouts, ears that curl downward, and a poofy mane, calling these pooches adorable is an understatement.

Make no mistake. These tiny fluff balls are full of personality and attitude — dynamite comes in a small size. Poms are sociable, playful, extroverted, and friendly. They also make fantastic family pets thanks to being alert, intelligent, and easily trained.

Poms enjoy being active, and when they don’t get enough playtime or walks, they’ll start barking a great deal. Dog owners will also notice just how headstrong and territorial these pups are, putting on a show when things don’t go their way.

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9. Poodles

Photo by Goochie Poochie Grooming From Pexels

Poodles are the regal beauty queens of the dog kingdom. They come in various shapes and sizes, with standard Poodles boasting tall, strong legs and long, narrow faces. Then you get the small breeds like Miniature, and Toy Poodles with much smaller faces and shorter legs. One thing they all have in common is their signature curly fur that resembles soft, puffy clouds.

These family doggos were first bred in Germany and France as water dogs (trained to retrieve game from bodies of water). Poodles are funny, sweet, lively, smart, and easily trained. If you’re looking for a loving companion, you can’t go wrong with a Poodle, as they enjoy being around their owners.

Here’s the kicker: these pooches can be drama queens when left alone, even for a short while. Poodles are known for being emotional dogs and will often display feelings of depression, sadness, and jealousy. However, they do have their happy moments, especially when you’re showing them affection.

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10. Siberian Husky

Photo by Anna Tarazevich From Pexels

The Siberian Husky is easily the most dramatic dog breed on earth. These fierce-looking canines resemble their wolf ancestors more than any other breed on this list, with icy-blue stares, strong muzzles, and athletic statures.

Huskies are the manifestation of “man’s best friend” and are known for forming close bonds with their owners. They’re also insanely intelligent, alert gentle, and outgoing. Despite being an “independent breed,” Huskies are pretty needy, and they’ll make this known through very overly-dramatic stunts.

You’ll notice an increase in theatrics and tantrums when these active dogs do not receive enough mental stimulation. These sled dogs can also act up without ample space to roam and a lack of consistent training from a young age. 

While barking isn’t common for this breed (unless distressed or excited), these big dogs tend to whine and howl a lot.

You might enjoy reading my articles on dogs that stay small and dogs that fit under airplane seats.

11. Boxers

Photo by Chris Shafer From Pexels

Boxers are a medium to large mastiff-type breed from Germany. You’ll identify one by its short, smooth coat, wide muzzles, muscular build, and noble stance. These fantastic family dogs will get along with everyone since they’re devoted, upbeat, and playful. They are known for being exceptional babysitters thanks to their patient and protective natures.

Boxers were also bred as work, guard, and companion dogs and were even one of the first police dogs. With such an astounding reputation, why are Boxers listed as one of the most dramatic breeds? Well, these purebred dogs are exceptionally sensitive and emotionally reactive. 

These gentle giants bond firmly and develop deep connections with their family members, which explains why they act up when they don’t receive enough attention.

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12. Border Collie

Photo by Connor Danylenko From Pexels

It’s time to put the spotlight on the gorgeous Border Collie. Due to their sheep-herding history, it’s one of the most intelligent and hardworking breeds out there. This British breed comes in various colors with athletic, medium-sized bodies and long, fluffy coats.

Border Collies are alert, loyal, energetic, and responsive. They’re a perfect match for active families who embrace the outdoors often and need garden space to satisfy their herding instincts. However, these pups have a lesser-known sensitive side which means they can be highly emotional and excessively dramatic.

You must also provide consistent exercise, playtime, and attention to keep their mischievous and over-the-top ways in check. Oh, and one more thing, Border Collies are a barking breed, as they’re easily visually stimulated.

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13. English Bulldog

Photo by Creative Workshop From Pexels

When Googling “most dramatic dog,” the English Bulldog pops up first on the page, which says a lot. This mastiff-type breed possesses large heads, brawny, stocky legs, droopy muzzles, and flat snouts. The most recognizable feature, though, is their characteristic crablike waddle.

English Bulldogs are friendly, loyal, easy-going, can’t get enough playtime, and especially enjoy tug-of-war. They have a big personality. Also, do not leave your shoes lying about, as these pudgy pooches are notorious for chewing like it’s their job. They are so expressive and dramatic that they deserve to be on the Walk of Fame.

They’ll make sure you know when they’re mad at you, which includes standing in a corner and shooting glares over their shoulder as if they have laser eyes.

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4 Tips for Looking After Dramatic Doggos

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Below are some tips to help you deal with all the drama, especially if you’re considering adopting one of these breeds or already have one.

1. Make Your Dog Feel Safe and Secure

We’ve already touched on this a bit, but dogs, especially the breeds above, tend to display more dramatic quirks when they feel unsafe or threatened. Not arguing in front of your pup, securing your yard, minimizing noise, and disciplining children who play rough are all adjustments you can make.

2. Distract Them With Games and New Tricks

Like kids, the best way to stop their crying or nagging is to distract them with new toys or an interactive game. If nothing else seems to be working, learning new tricks, trying out dog-friendly activities and games might solve the problem.

These activities will provide mental stimulation and physical exercise to make your doggo happy and allow them to bond with you.

3. Treat Your Pup With Their Favorite Snack

This tip works when your dog’s been hurt, recovering from an accident, and so on. While there isn’t much you can do to help them feel better, you can cheer them up with their favorite treat or meal. The pain might not go away, but the whining and crying might for a short while.

4. Don’t Reward Their Behavior 

If your furry friend has no pain or injuries and simply acting over the top to get your attention – listen up. You do not want to reward them with affection and treats, as doing so will only encourage this behavior.

For example, when a husky throws a tantrum to go outside, please don’t open the door for them, as this will only teach them that acting out will get them what they want. Instead, ignore them altogether and only reward them for good behavior.

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Most Dramatic Dog Breeds: Final Curtain Call

Photo by Casper Coomans on Unsplash

So, which one of these dramatic breeds do you think deserves the “best actor/actress award?” Doggy jokes aside, it’s important to remember that even though some dogs can be extra, they’re likely just trying to get your attention or convey how they feel as best as they possibly can.

With enough training, patience, and love, all of these dog breeds have the potential to be fantastic home pets and companions.

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