There are as many reasons for cats sneezing as there are cat videos on YouTube. But we can cut down on those reasons by saying upfront that we aren’t talking about the occasional sneeze here. Maybe you have witnessed a significant sneezing fit, or perhaps your cat has been sneezing incessantly over the past day …
We’re not veterinarians here but we do have some basic guidance for cat owners on common health issues from can cats swim to sneezing to depression and more.
Have you heard your cat sneezing? When you’ve looked at them, did they seem a little off? Watery eyes? A little sorry for themselves? Maybe you even imagined a runny nose? If your cat were human, you’d swear it had a cold. Can cats get colds? It may not be the same kind of cold …
Autumn and winter are great times to snuggle up by the fire with your cat, drink warm beverages, and play in the snow. But the chilly temperatures bring the risk of catching a cold with them for both cats and their owners. It may be surprising to some, but cats can get colds. This brings …
Have you seen a viral video that’s been going around of a cat gagging when its owner runs their nails over a comb? Or, have you ever noticed your kitty companion reacting strangely to certain sounds? This type of cat behavior might have you scratching your head, but it turns out there’s a perfectly good …
Like most cat owners, if you take every opportunity to scratch, rub or cuddle your cat, you may also be the kind of owner who notices odd things. Observant owners are very good at telling when something is not quite right or unusual. Perhaps your cat’s eyes are tearing a little too much, or they …
It is a stressful time for any parent when their child isn’t feeling well – including pet parents. So when you notice that your cat isn’t eating well, you might already be on high alert. But how long can a cat go without eating? And what is the best way to increase their appetite? While …
The short answer to can cats be autistic is no. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complicated disorder with symptoms that range from mild to severe, depending on the individual. The symptoms are also not very stable as they can change from person to person. There is a typical list of signs that most people learn …
The thing about cats is that they never fail to surprise you. There’s probably a lot that cats can do that we are unaware of… like driving, or playing golf. But let’s start with something simple: Can cats swim? The short answer is yes. When pressed to do so, cats will more than likely …
Seeing your cat shaking may be very alarming for a cat owner. For one thing, it’s an unusual behavior, and your first instinct will likely be to assume the worst and Google, ‘Why is My Cat Shaking?’ First things first – don’t panic. Try to remain calm, there are several reasons for a cat shaking. …
When you think about your cat and its memory, do the strains of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musicals fill your mind? That would be weird. But the question of whether cats have a good memory is an intriguing one, whether or not they’re on stage. Some people love to confer human traits upon their pets. It’s …