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I know cats can get up to a substantial supply of whacky, worrying, and wild ways throughout the day – but what do they mean? Whether they’re hurting, showing affection, or simply having an off day – it can sometimes be hard to understand your cat and where they’re coming from.

Unsure how your pet shows a variety of emotions, warning calls, and animal instincts through their behavior? I’ll guide you through the wonderful actions cats can try and communicate with their human counterparts.

Cat Behavior Explained

While you can’t peer into the inner workings of your feline friends’ brains, there is usually an explanation for cat behavior, such as common (or sudden) whims. Take a look at this small cheat sheet in order to gain some insight into cat behaviors and what they mean:

Loving Behavior

Your cats can show their love and affection in strange ways. In the same interaction, your cat can lick you and bite your hand with a similar sentiment behind it.

In many ways, cats show love by including behaviors they might use to claim ownership of you and mark their territory. So, if you’re wondering what a cat headbutt means or why cats sleep by your feet, you could perhaps be marked as your pet’s property (in a loving way).

Playful Behavior

When clawed cuties are part of the equation, the saying ‘love hurts’ can truly be valued as a given part of your relationship with your cat. Whether they play with string and you encounter a ricochet paw whack, or they grab your hand and bite, you’re likely to have a scar or two from their method of fun.

Sleepy Behavior

With a gentle cat yawn, twitching bodies, and unique sleeping positions – there are few examples of pure innocence quite like a cat sleeping. Many times, it does seem that cats can sleep all day without a care in the world.

You might be thinking, why does my cat sleep so much? This can generally be associated with how they are wired and how they spend and conserve their energy. Other factors, such as sleeping in winter and illness, could also cause excessive slumber.

If you’re worried, you can keep an eye out when your cat sleeps with you. Be sure to research the general cat sleeping hours and out-of-the-ordinary cat sleeping positions to ensure your clawed pet is healthy and well.

Protective Behavior

As a member of the big cat tribe, cats are instinctively weary of their surroundings and on the lookout for any signs of danger or prey. This common cat behavior can be displayed in a variety of ways, from cats sleeping in a ball for protection to yowling at night in order to hunt outdoors.

While cats are predisposed to protect themselves, they also want to save the ones they love from harm’s way. If your cat is sleeping on your legs, they are likely looking for a good view of their surroundings.

However, a cat lying on your chest could also be a sign of love and affection by using your heart as a soothing sound to drift into slumber.

Cat Behavior Meanings – What Can Affect It?

From temper tantrums to when cats purr then bite you, these fluffy creatures have a way of clawing into your heart. This is why caring for cats and gaining insight into their cat behavior meaning is vital. Take a look at a few external factors that could be triggering an emotional response from your pet:

New Housemates

As previously stated, cats can be territorial in an environment they consider their own. A territory-driven kitty can have various cat behavioral issues, such as rubbing its face on things and making angry noises (which is one of the reasons why cats growl).

When a new furry face enters your household, it could take time for your cat to accept their new animal brother or sister. As ‘dogs hate cats’ is a generally known trope, your cat could have an even harder time getting used to their often-stated natural nemesis.

You’ll quickly notice if your feline is not taking a liking to their new sibling with cat habits such as tail shaking or a threatening stance of an arched cat back.

If you’re set on having cats and dogs, a few breeds are likely to be a potentially perfect match with felines. Cats and poodles are considered to be a good choice, as well as Shih Tzus and cats.

Environmental Factors

Feline pets exhibit a variety of cat behavior issues when they find a problem with their immediate environment or territory. External stressors, such as loud noises, can cause your cat to experience anxiety and fear.

You may wish your pets could simply explain their discomfort, but luckily, they use actions and behavior to showcase their emotions. Whether your cat is shaking or excessively panting – they’ll show you their distress in some shape or form.

Grooming Factors

From rolling in the dirt to cats licking each other, these rough-tongued rascals have an interesting way of cleaning themselves.

Taking care of your cat’s fur coat is essential to proficient pet care, as their dense fluff could cause issues that can lead to an uncomfortable state of being. Learning how to groom your cat could be the perfect way to bond with your kitty and keep them in tip-top shape, whether it’s their fur or keeping their teeth clean.

Medical Issues

While cat behavior can often be associated with general feline characteristics and nature, a changed demeanor can also indicate affected cat health. If you find your pet to exhibit a newfound way of behaving or appearance, this could mean a medical issue.

Whether you’re wondering why your cat is shaking their head or want to know why your cat is staring at you, pet owners often know their creatures intrinsically.

So, if you experience a gut feeling regarding your bushy-tailed loved one, be sure to listen to it. You can always conduct a home cat check-up in order to gauge when to consult a vet on your cat’s behavior.

How to Fix Harmful Cat Behaviors

The wily ways of cats might seem impossible, but there are a few tricks and methods to tame your fanged felines. Pet training is an excellent method to harness their energy and offer an alternative way to display it.

Whether it’s training your cat not to bite or incorporating tools to keep your cat away from plants, you’ll be able to learn and grow with your feline.

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