Don’t you think adorable flat faced cat breeds are just the cutest? Is it the squishy pug nose, the round, wide-set button eyes, or simply their adorable worried faces?
There are so many stunning, lovable, weird cat breeds in the world, but flat-faced cats stand out from the crowd. More often than not, you’ll find these felines tend to be more sociable, and love to be cuddled and petted.
Cats belonging to the brachycephalic family have typically flat faces and short noses. This is not just from appearance; it’s the result of a genetic trait involving shortening and broadening the cat’s skull shape – giving them that smushed appearance.
If you break the word down, “brachy” meaning “short” and “cephalic” is related to “head.” So, ultimately, you end up with a fancy word for “short head.”
Flat-faced cats are undeniably cute with their ‘short heads’ and have taken the world by storm thanks to the fame of Grumpy Cat – with her miserable mug that the world loved so much.

10 Adorable Flat Faced Cat Breeds
From Scottish Folds to Persian kitties, it’s totally clear that flat-faced felines have captivated the world. Let’s take a peek at some of the cutest flat-faced cat breeds, from extremely to slightly flat faces.
1. Persian Cats

Persian cats have deeply appreciated kitties, loved for their luxurious coats and jewel-like eyes. These docile cats are the quintessential lapcats, are soft-spoken and sweet, with gentle natures. They want nothing more than to lay on your lap and be adored.
In general, these felines are flat-faced with a beautiful broad chest, stocky frame, a large head with wide-spaced eyes, an upturned nose, and silky fur.

Keep in mind that the beautiful, long coat of this flat-faced cat breed won’t stay tangle-free when it sheds on its own. It requires daily grooming, so find a comb or cat brush suitable for your feline. Detangling and smoothing out the fur of your cat baby is essential for their comfort and happiness. When their hair gets matted, the skin underneath usually is extra tender, and infections can even result if left too long.
Persian cats get rather greasy fur; this can be easily remedied with a bath every few weeks. When your kitty is younger, you can have baths at least twice a month to get them used to it.

In addition, the flat face of a Persian cat needs to be cleaned regularly, such as their tear stains.
Maintaining the length of your cat’s claws is also an essential part of grooming your Persian. Nails that get too long are prone to hooking onto household objects like sofas, blankets, carpets, or even their cat tree.
If they were to get stuck and pull their paw away too hard, they may even rip the nail off. This would be truly distressing for both you and your fur babies.

Although these beautiful fur babies are super easygoing and relaxed, they command an air of royalty and prefer calm, serene environments rather than loud and busy ones. The Persian cat breed is spirited, playful, and loveable family members to have around. To keep them at their happiest, they should remain well cared for.
You’ll find Persian cats snuggled up on a soft sofa or soaking up the sunlight on a windowsill, free to admire, making the perfect indoor cats.

2. Munchkin Cats
Munchkin cats, as the name suggests, are teeny little kitties. They have a playful, cheerful nature, with their main attractions being their flat faces and short legs, also known as the dachshund of cats.
Cat breeds with short legs are often known as dwarf breeds and have become increasingly popular in recent years. The Munchkin breed started all of this back in the mid-1990s as they were bred to stay small.

Considered the original dwarf cat, the Munchkin cat breed is not exclusive and can be linked to a number of other breeds. For example, you can find a Scottish fold munchkin cat or even a Maine coon munchkin cat. It’s all about that short-legged gene mutation.
Despite their short legs, members of this flat-faced cat breed can pounce and dash around with bursts of energy.

In addition to their rounded contours, Munchkin cats pose gracefully and look a bit like meerkats, where they will occasionally sit up on their back legs – ready to be adored.
The personalities of Munchkin cats are generally sweet, outgoing, and intelligent. They also respond well to being handled, which is lovely, as you’ll undoubtedly want to hold these cuties all day long.
They are an active, easily trained, and intelligent breed that enjoys puzzle toys and learning new tricks. They’re well suited to be indoor cats and are one of the best flat-faced cat breeds for families.

There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding these sweet looking felines, as there is concern over potential health and mobility issues. They were not considered an official breed for many years and were not allowed to take part in feline competitions.
Even today, there are a number of councils and associations that do not recognize the Munchkin cat breed.
However, most sources say that the shortness of their legs does not affect the Munchkin’s running and leaping abilities. Also, they are not generally found to have more joint or bone problems than other cat breeds. So, if you are passionate about their little legs, your ethics needn’t be compromised.

3. Himalayan Cat
The Himalayan cat, Himmy, or Himmies, for short, looks like a Persian cat in Siamese drag.
Like the Persian, the Himalayan is docile and sweet. She makes the perfect ornament for any home, where she can snuggle up to a lap or company sofa.
Himalayan cats can be rather discriminating, reserving their attention for the family and a few trusted guests.

These sedate cats prefer a calm environment, with simple needs such as regular meals, a little playtime with a feather or a catnip mouse, and loads of love.

Their long coats require daily grooming and regular bathing, and their flat faces whipped gently. These kitties are also one of the most expensive cat breeds, so be prepared for their requirements.
4. Bombay Cats
Bombay cats are flat-faced felines that love affection. They enjoy meeting and greeting you at the door and can get along well with other pets and children. These kitties are big softies, with personalities as soft as their coats.
Bombay Cats look like mini black panther look-alikes have black coats and piercing yellow eyes with medium-sized, muscular frames, rounded heads, and flat faces.

You’ll often find them nestled at the top of their cat tree, having the ideal viewpoint of their world below.
These are playful kitties with natural curiosity and athleticism, so you should be able to keep them occupied with toys like cat balls. Like their ancestors, the Burmese, Bombay cats have almost no undercoat and require weekly brushing.

5. Scottish Fold Cats

Scottish Fold cats, named for their unusual folded ears and striking, yellowish-orange eye colors, these kitties love to be around people. These easy-going cats have great personalities and get along with anyone.
Aside from their squishy flat faces, the Scottish Fold is also known for its folded teddy bear ears. These felines were nicknamed “flops” for their round shape due to their ears. They have large eyes, short nose, and rounded paws.
These lovely fur babies require weekly grooming to distribute skin oils and remove dead hair. You should wipe the corners of their eyes with a damp cloth to remove any discharge.

Scottish Fold kitties are moderately active, friendly, expressive, and playful. They enjoy teaser toys to test their agility and intelligence. Scottish Fold cats prefer a companion – even if it’s another pet – and are not the best cats to be left alone for long periods of time.
As active mousers, Scottish fold cats are playful, sensitive, and expressive. These joyful felines have a habit of posing in odd positions – sitting upright as if they were a meerkat, lying flat on the floor, or on their backs with their paws in the air.

6. Exotic Shorthair Cats
An Exotic Shorthair cat is purrfect for those who want a traditional Persian, with a squishy nose and large, button eyes, but can’t deal with all the grooming requirements.
These velvet teddy bears are playful and easily entertained, like batting at moving toys. They are kind and docile kitties.
This breed has short, thick hair that sheds only a small amount. However, they require some grooming to remove dead hair from their coat. The super cute Exotic Short Hair breed is characterized by its mustachioed face and laid back personality.

You’ll often find exotic shorthair cats lying on the sofa soaking up the sun, waiting for you to cuddle them. They do well in active families and get along with other pets in the house.
These flat-faced cats are low maintenance but may require occasional whipping of their eyes from excessive tearings. Their features are more extreme than others.

They possess perky ears, round, wide-set eyes – with a perpetually worried look – and a scrunched-up short muzzle.
They have extremely soft coats and come in 140 different colours. They have the same gentle and affectionate personality which is seen in most long-haired cat breeds rather than the boisterous personality of a short haired cat.

7. British Shorthair
Compared to most shorthair breeds, British Shorthair cats are relatively calm cats that don’t require much exercise. They’re easy to fall in love with, possessing large yellowish-gold eyes that continuously make the cat look surprised.

With their round cheeks, fathead, short, soft thick coats, large amber-colored eyes, and a rounded body – the British Shorthair is the epitome of a cuddly teddy bear.
These friendly kitties are easy-going and loyal. They like quite a bit of attention from their owners but won’t be hanging out in their laps. Females of the breed tend to have a more serious demeanor than males.

This cat breed is reasonably flat-faced, but the nose is not turned up like the exotic shorthair.
This smush face cat is stocky and doesn’t experience as many health problems as the Scottish Folds or Persians. This flat-faced cat breed is easy to live with and effortless to love.
Their coats actually come in an assortment of colors and patterns. These include some novel hues such as lilac, smoke, fawn, chocolate…the list goes on. Along with the array of colors, these kitties also come in a bunch of patterns with diverse eye colors.

8. Selkirk Rex Cats
Selkirk Rex cats are simply lovable little fur babies, adored for their plush tousled coats and exquisite, smooshy flat-faces. In addition to their adorable curly coats, their whiskers curl too, how cute!

With big round eyes and an almost smiling expression, these felines love to be cuddled and will follow you around for attention.
Nicknamed ‘cats in sheep’s clothing,’ Selkirk rex cats may need occasional brushing – at least two or three times a week. Unlike many other flat-faced cats, the Selkirk Rex cat is not prone to tear duct issues.

This squished face cat is easily entertained with a flashlight beam or a fishing pole toy. Although not particularly active, these cuties are social. They’ll love to sit on your lap and let you feel their curly-q’s as the sun goes down.
9. Burmese Cats
Burmese cats are energetic, playful, and curious kitties, often having more energy than most other brachycephalic cats. They’re highly intelligent and enjoy human companionship.
They can quickly learn new tricks, play fetch, and enjoy playtime with interactive cat toys.

Often described as a ‘brick wrapped in silk,’ these felines have soft and silky fur. Burmese cats are easily cared for with weekly brushing and a rare bath.
Although this smooshed face cat has tons of energy, it has an ‘off switch,’ At night, you’ll find them curled up on the bed, making them one of the best flat-faced cat breeds for snuggling.

10. Burmilla Cats
Burmilla cats are one of the cutest and cuddliest kitties you’ll find. This breed originated in the United Kingdom in 1981, so it is relatively new. The breed came about accidentally with the unexpected mating of a Burmese cat and a Chincilla Persian.

With broad, shallow muzzles and massive, round eyes, Burmilla cats, along with Himalayans and Persians, are among the most expensive flat-faced cat breeds. However, because of their well-defined chin, this cat with flat face doesn’t look as smooshed as the others.
Overall, this smushed face cat is famous for its relatively flat face and because it is beautiful, makes great family pets, and loves cuddles.

Burmilla cats require weekly brushing and are particular about bathroom hygiene, so find the best cat litter and keep their box spotless for them.
Final Thoughts on Flat-Faced Kitties

Do you think flat face cats make the cutest pets? It’s obvious there are plenty of beautiful cat breeds in the world. Siamese has piercing blue eyes; Sphynx is all-around adorable walking wrinkles. But the flat face cat breed really stands out.
While each breed has different personalities and characteristics, they all make perfect little fur babies. These cats with flat faces tug hard at our heartstrings with their worried eyes and grumpy cat faces.
What’s your favorite flat face cat?

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