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Perfectly Content Alone: 27 Dog Breeds with Low Separation Anxiety

Every pet parent knows that special feeling of unconditional love from your floof. On some days, you’ve had a tough day at work. On others, you’re simply in the mood for some furry affection during a quiet weekend in. No matter the occasion, you can always count on your fluffy friend to be there for you.

Dogs take the trophy when it comes to devoted, warmhearted animals committed to fulfilling the role of best friend and trusted companion. But sometimes, things can get a little tricky when the bond between an owner and their dog is too strong. This can cause separation anxiety in the animal and a lot of stress when you’re away.

That’s why some people make a conscious decision to consider low-maintenance dog breeds that also have low separation anxiety. Keen to learn more? Here are 27 dog breeds with low separation anxiety that do well when left home alone.


1. Golden Retriever

golden retriever
Image by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Golden Retrievers are among the most loved dogs in the world, for good reason. These patient, low-maintenance dogs make excellent service dogs and loyal family pets. They are easy to train, obedient, and dependable.

These sociable dogs don’t stress too much when you have to leave home. As avid hunters, they’re always keen to explore their surroundings. Chances are your Golden will entertain itself or have a whale of a time with other pets (cats included). They aren’t necessarily a dog without separation anxiety but they have less than most other breeds.

Ever wondered about the Labrador Retriever versus Golden Retriever comparison? Read about their similarities and differences to better understand why Goldens are better suited as low separation anxiety pets.

2. Shiba Inu

shiba inu
Image by Minh Pham on Unsplash

These adorable ancient Japanese hunters may seem like the kind of shy and needy dogs because of their small stature and sweet faces. But don’t be fooled; these are — in fact — brawny, brave, and bold pups.

What makes Shiba Inus great low separation anxiety dogs is their intelligence, adaptability, independent nature and watchfulness. They thrive under good socialization and training and will easily adjust to being left alone.

If you’re looking for a spirited little furry that enjoys a bit of independence now and then, a Shiba Inu might be the perfect pooch for you.

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3. Dachshund

Image by Katie Bernotsky on Unsplash

This charming pint-sized doggo, regarded as one of the most beautiful dog breeds, has captured the hearts of many families for hundreds of years. Originating from Germany and having been bred as badger hunters, Dachshunds are independent and courageous little puppers.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) confirms that these affectionate dogs are good with children and other animals. They love playtime and are pretty open to strangers. 

This small breed is very watchful, with high adaptability levels — making them low-maintenance, low-separation anxiety dogs.

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4. Basset Hound

Image by Melissa Keizer on Unsplash

The Basset Hound, with its elongated, floppy ears and droopy eyes, is a top choice for pet parents who want a gentle, friendly four-legged family member that can be left alone occasionally.

These dogs are among the least aggressive dog breeds because of their calm and mild temperament. They are incredibly independent and won’t exhibit stress when you’re away.

Their snug, medium frame adds to their appeal. Add low separation anxiety to their strengths, and you have the perfect canine companion.

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5. Lhasa Apso

lhasa aspo
Image by Silvana Carlos on Unsplash

The lovable Lhasa Apso has many things going for it besides its adorable looks. These low-shedding, hypoallergenic dogs are very energetic. They are only too happy to run around the house or yard, getting a good doggy workout and playing.

Their calm, easygoing, individualistic nature means you can step out for a bite, run errands, and go about your adult responsibilities without Fido having a meltdown in your absence.

If that’s not enough to convince you, you can’t deny that cute face and glorious lion-esque mane that makes the Lhasa such a beauty.

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6. Boston Terrier

boston-terrier dog breeds with low separation anxiety
Image by Kindred Hues Photography on Unsplash

With proper training and socialization, Boston Terriers are fun to have in the home. They are low-maintenance pups who can busy themselves happily when not spending quality time with their owners.

If you can provide a clean, safe space for them to play, preferably with a variety of interesting doggy toys, your Boston won’t fuss about being left alone for several hours. These cool-headed, warm love bugs will add loads of color and character to your household if you decide to make them part of your family.

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7. Bullmastiff

Image by Julissa Helmuth on Pexels

At first glance, Bullmastiffs seem intimidating because of their stern faces and muscular builds. And yet these are among the most gentle dog breeds.

The Bullmastiff is best loved as a docile dog that takes guarding its territory very seriously. Although they aren’t the biggest fans of strangers or their male counterparts, you’ll appreciate their protective nature.

If you can take your dog for regular walks and squeeze in some doggy recreation time, they’ll be content with spending some time alone when you can’t be around.

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8. French Bulldog

french bulldog
Image by Alexandru Sofronie on Unsplash

Frenchies are stout, playful, highly adaptable dogs with sociable personalities. Besides being a safe choice for low separation anxiety, they also make commendable emotional support companions.

This 19th-century Parisian breed is best suited for life in the city, only needing moderate exercise. They don’t cause a commotion when their human parents are away.

French Bulldogs are cheery dogs that bond easily with children and other pets. They’ll quietly enjoy some doggy leisure time until you come back and keep them company.

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9. Chihuahua

Image by Jairo Alzate on Unsplash

Mexico has made remarkable contributions to the world. Earthquake-resistant foundations, anti-graffiti paint and indelible ink, and color TVs: Mexico did all that. On the yummy side of things, Mexico blessed the globe with chewing gum, Kahlúa, Tequila, and even Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

But what about Mexico’s cutest gift to the rest of the world? That’s easy, Chihuahuas!

These petite pooches pack a whole lot of punch, with confidence, independence, and ‘big-dog energy’ all firmly intact.

They perform well when left to their own devices as long as they are sufficiently trained. You’ll be carefree during your outings, knowing your loyal little friendo is coping just fine without you.

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10. Labradoodle

Image by Elsa Tonkinwise on Unsplash

These high-energy, curly-haired fluffballs are very intelligent, which may also lend itself to their mischievous behavior. A labradoodle’s temperament is a curious blend between boisterous and composed.

They are happiest when they can run around and burn off some of that vigor to mellow out their over-excitement. To ensure your Labradoodle isn’t tempted to fill boredom and your absence with furniture munching, leave some fun chew toys to keep them entertained.

Easy to train, outgoing, inquisitive, and only happy to accept the title of independent pup when necessary — that’s the Labradoodle in a nutshell.

You might enjoy reading my article on worst behaved dog breeds.

11. Greyhound

Image by Dan on Unsplash

Greyhounds are the much-loved speedy track stars celebrated for their dominance of the racing turf. But they are equally as appeased just enjoying a simple home space, provided there’s room to run.

Their size may throw you off at first, but these are even-tempered, kind, and loving dogs. They have no issues keeping themselves busy when their humans are elsewhere.

Greyhounds will laze around the house, run, and play happily. Just double-check that their shelter is clean and there’s enough fresh water and high-protein dog food before you leave. Protein is essential for your Greyhound’s bone health, muscle strength, and immune system.

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12. Basenji

Image by Marius Cern on Unsplash

You won’t find Basenjis barking at nothing — which is one of the signs of an anxious dog that struggles to be separated from its owner for a set period. Basenjis are famously known as a quiet dog breed, making having them around a no-fuss, no-frills pet experience.

These hypoallergenic dogs, originating from Congo in central Africa, are fast, fearless, intelligent animals that don’t need too much attention. They handle alone time very well, especially when there’s ample space in the yard to burn off their energy.

Among their most adorable characteristics is their unique doggy yodel, the ‘baroo.’

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13. Miniature Schnauzer

miniature schnauzers
Image by Sebastian Coman Travel on Unsplash

Miniature Schnauzers may appear grumpy-faced (thanks to their long beards and generous eyebrows), but these are actually super friendly doggos that are easy to train. They don’t require too much fussing and faffing from your side.

If you’re willing to spoil your good boy, or girl, with delicious dog treats and toys, they won’t hold your trips away against you. Expect a little mischief and stubbornness at times, but these are generally pleasant, intelligent dogs well suited for occupying a small home space.

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14. Chow Chow

Image by Omid Armin on Unsplash

The sweet-faced, burly-bodied Chinese Chow Chow is a majestic little pooch with a stately aura. Its wrinkled face, thick coat, and lush, fluffy appearance scream, “I deserve to be pampered.” Yet this dog doesn’t demand too much from its pet parent.

If you can fulfill the promise of a few weekly walks during your downtime, your Chow Chow will be forever grateful. They are fiercely loyal and intelligent animals that take well to freedom and independence when trained to be alone for set periods of time. Plus, they exude a peculiar cuteness, mostly thanks to their curios blue tongue.

If you’d like to add this dog type to your family, check out the Chow Chow Husky.

15. Maltese

Image by Dole777 on Unsplash

Maltese dogs are popular among pet owners who prefer small, calm, sociable fur babies that are happy to prance around the house and entertain themselves. They’re low-shedding, playful, and affectionate, with a lot of energy.

These silky soft, white-haired beauties have sprightly personalities and a gentle demeanor. They are quick to make friends with children, visitors, and other animals — even cats. If you can provide a little space for them to run and exercise, they’ll be happy campers when you’re not home.

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16. Scottish Terrier

Image from

Another hypoallergenic floof that’s independent enough to brave alone time without its parents around is the Scottish Terrier. Although notorious for not taking kindly to other canines and pet species, they are devoted guard dogs. They take pride in keeping their home and humans safe.

Scotties are bold, assertive, and self-determined. When you have to step out, you can rest assured your best friend is comfortable and kicking back, enjoying its best dog life in your absence.

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17. Shar Pei

shar pei
Image by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash

The Shar Pei, a descendant of ancient China, also makes this list of low separation anxiety dogs because it is adept at being left alone. When socialized and trained from a young age, these dogs flourish.

Shar Peis are independent puppers who aren’t looking for you to hold their hand (or paw) every minute of the day. They’re content to play guard dog when you’re away and will potentially wait until you can get back and give them much-deserved belly rubs.

If you’re an experienced owner convinced your family needs a new four-legged member, consider the Bear Coat Shar Pei.

18. English Foxhound

english foxhound
Image by Claudio Olivares Medina on Pexels

English Foxhounds are enthusiastic hunters that are happiest in a big yard. They relish running, playing, and conducting self-directed doggy search missions of discovery.

Their sleek, elegant build compliments their high-curiosity, high-energy levels. They can spend hours amusing themselves. When they’ve had enough exercise, they’ll settle cozily indoors and enjoy family time when you’re home.

This dog breed is friendly, mild, and easygoing. During weekends, reward its good behavior with a long walk or a scenic hike.

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19. Japanese Chin

japanese chin
Image by GoranH on Pixabay

Some pet parents refuse to take sides in the dog versus cat debate and prefer to provide a happy home for both. If that’s you, you’ll be glad to know that Japanese Chins are one of the best small dog breeds for cats.

Added to that, they have low separation anxiety and aren’t needy. Meaning less competition as you do your best to give all your furries just enough attention.

When you have to be out and about doing real-world adult human things, your darling Chin will fill the free time with play and exploration.

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20. Poodle

Image by Andretti on Pixabay

Outside its rightful place on showroom podiums, the posh Poodle is a loyal family dog that takes exceptionally well to training and socialization. If you struggle with sensitivity to environmental irritants, having a Poodle around won’t cause any problems. These little belles are hypoallergenic.

Poodles are smart, perceptive dogs that will quickly figure out how to busy themselves while you pop off to work or the shops. Like many of the pooches featured in this article, these doggies are sorted if there’s enough food, clean water, and room to romp.

To learn more about the Poodle versus Shih Tzu comparison, read more here.

21. Small Münsterländer Pointer

small munsterlander pointer
Image from

Small Münsterländer Pointers rank highly among athletic, active hunting dogs. In a home setting, they are tender, social pets that offer a lot of affection to their owners.

But this soft side takes nothing away from their adaptability and trainability. They delight in the opportunity to notch up challenging tricks.

If you can dedicate one-on-one time on your free days, your Münsterländer Pointer won’t mind compromising on solo time.

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22. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

cavalier king charles spaniel
Image by Izabelly Marques on Unsplash

With a regal name like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, you’d expect a bit of a diva dog that you’ll have to go all out to please and appease. However, that’s not the case when you’re the guardian of this affectionate furry.

This gentle breed is a top contender for brilliant emotional support dogs and is attentive when being trained. When you can’t be with them, they’ll explore their surroundings curiously — biding the time until you can come back and play happy families again.

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23. Pug

Image by JC Gellidon on Unsplash

Although Pugs don’t take first prize for “prettiest pooch at the park”, they are very lovable and loyal pets. They score top marks in the following categories: excellent trainees, well suited for households with children, and playful enough to occupy themselves when alone.

These tiny but muscular wrinkle-faced balls of energy are happy to share space with other animals. They develop a solid sense of independence when it’s time to ready them to handle a bit of separation.

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24. Otterhound

Image by Boys in Bristol Photography on Pexels

This fairly rare dog breed might not be able to honor its name anymore (since Otters are now a protected species), but it still makes for a cherished house pet that is highly affectionate.

Otterhounds love keeping active (did someone say swimming?). Aim to balance the time it has to spend alone while you’re busy with dedicated exercise and playtime. Weekends are the perfect opportunity for bonding.

With balance and compromise, your doggo will embrace a little freedom and autonomy.

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25. Whippet

Image by Marius Cern on Unsplash

The Greyhound’s smaller cousin, the Whippet, is a fast, energetic dog that loves running, playing, and chasing. Whippets are unwavering companions that are happy to canter around the yard while you cook, clean, or meet up with friends in town.

These lean dogs are highly alert, adaptable, and gentle. Whether you live in the city or the countryside, they’ll settle nicely into the lifestyle you create for them.

The key to their independence is proper training and reward cuddles when you’re free.

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26. Bull Terrier

bull terrier
Image by Kenny Fotos CR on Pexels

Bull Terriers are cheeky little fellas with tons of personality. They make committed but comical family pets. Training and socializing them as early as possible is essential — to tame their stubbornness and natural mischief.

These strong, sporty dogs are active and playful. They will find a physical activity or two to distract them from your departure. As soon as you return, they’re ready to shower you with love and attention once more.

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27. Beagle

Image by Luke MacGillivray on Unsplash

Not only are Beagles a great option for a low-stress, low-anxiety pup, but they are also rated as one of the best-behaved dog breeds. This means they won’t destroy your furniture and chew up your expensive shoes in retaliation to your absence from home.

Beagles are faithful companions with a cheerful, laid-back outlook. The innate pack mentality of these independent dogs is best catered for by ensuring they have another pooch to play with while you’re gone.

Sealing the Deal on Dogs with Low Separation Anxiety

Photo by Casper Coomans on Unsplash

You can enjoy a certain level of calm, confidence, and peace when you know your four-legged sidekick’s world won’t completely fall apart without you. That’s what you get and so much more when you’re the proud parent of a low separation anxiety dog.

Relish in the comforting feeling of knowing that the remarkable bond you share with your furry won’t be affected by your occasional absence. For a doggo that can go about its woof-tastic business, living its best life while you’re away, choose any of the mellow, undemanding fluffballs highlighted in this article.

Keep learning about which dogs will suit your pet parent needs and preferences. If you’ve ever been curious about the best emotional support dog breeds, read about them here.

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