The internet was built for one thing: cats. After cats, or perhaps because of them, we have memes. Cat memes are ubiquitous and infinite in terms of variety. It’s not surprising, then, that the eternal dialogue between cats and dogs is so well documented in cat and dog memes.
Let’s take a journey through the life album of cats and dogs, from the eternal battles for our affection to the love and acceptance of family, from the protection of siblings to the plotting of their downfall.
These memes only scratch the surface, so to speak, when it comes to the thousands of memes relating to cats and dogs. But they represent some of my favorites and some of the best chuckles out there.
These may sometimes not be the most wholesome cat memes, but here are some of the best cat and dog memes from the internet’s vaults.
Cat and Dog Family Values
Thanks to humans, the domestication of dogs and cats has come a long way. They both share our homes, love us (I assume), and bring us endless entertainment in the form of belly laughs and tummy stitches.
So, it’s gratifying to see when they really connect, too, and bond as a family.
1. Family Secrets Are Worth Keeping for Reputation’s Sake
Image: Cheezburger
2. Welcome Back!
Image: Cheezburger
3. Hey, Dog!
Image: Pinterest
4. How It Was Made
Image: Imgflip
5. Can I Keep Him?
Image: Facebook
6. Practical Value
Image: Reader’s Digest
7. Double Benefits
8. Camouflage Strategy
Image: Pinterest
9. Mission: Quite Possible
Image: Cheezburger
10. The Cat Is a Hat
Image: X
11. Existenz
Image: Pinterest
12. Partners Be Rollin’
Image: Pinterest
All Creatures, Big and Small
Honestly, what’s cuter than a tiny creature interacting with a giant one? Kitties and dogs sometimes share an odd relationship, with the little one acting as the boss.
13. Sleep Is a Family Thing
Image: Pinterest
14. Giant Dogee!
Image: Pinterest
15. Tall Tales. Sure It Was. Sure It Was.
Image: Pinterest
16. The Muscle
Image: Wagpets
17. Public Relations
Image: Pinterest
18. Ownership
Image: Pinterest
19. Protection of the Highest Order
Image: reddit
20. Apocalypse Meow!
Image: Cheezburger
21. Supervised Playtime
Image: Pinterest
The Blame Game
A lot happens in our homes when we aren’t looking. Sometimes, there’s a fair amount of blame to be laid at someone’s feet. Only the smartest emerge victorious in these scenarios.
Top Tip: If your kitty has an odd obsession with green babies, maybe it’s time you find out how to keep cats away from plants.
22. Wazzun Me
Image: Pinterest
23. The He Says She Says Scenario
Image: Imgflip
24. Stealth Intruder
Image: Pinterest
25. Twins… the Sequel
Image: Cheezburger
26. The Frame of the Century
Image: Flickr
27. So Punny
Image: coolpun
28. Terror of the Seez
29. Bad News, Good News?
Image: Pinterest
30. The Thinking Cat
Image: Cheezburger
31. That Feeling of Dread.
Image: Facebook
32. Everything Has Its Uses
Image: Pinterest
33. Put a Paw in It
Image: Pinterest
34. Learning Curve
Image: Cheezburger
35. Cool World
Image: Pinterest
Cats and Dogs Getting Up to No Good
Even if your cats and dogs do get along, you have to wonder what exactly they’re getting up to. Whether alongside or against each other, the chances are that the results are either hilarious or devastating.
36. Red Alert
Image: Pinterest
37. Boop Boop LOL
Image: KnwoYourMeme
38. The Unimpressed Selfie.
Image: Cheezburger
39. Mirror, Mirror!
Image: Reddit
40. A Picture Paints a Very Specific Word
Image: ThatLittleCat
41. Urgh. I Agreed to ONE Photo
Image: Cheezburger
42. Analysis of the Numbers
Image: Pinterest
43. An Appeal to Mercy
Image: Imgflip
44. Key Differences
Image: Cheezburger
45. Say Nothing
Image: Pinterest
46. Ganging Up
Image: Cheezburger
47. Perceptions Are a Matter of… Perception?
Image: Pinterest
48. Deny, Deny, Deny!
Image: Instagram
Cat Person or Dog Person
It’s the age-old question. But it doesn’t really apply to whether you prefer one or the other. More accurately, it’s about whose version of events you are more likely to favor. Here are a few examples of situations that you may be familiar with.
49. Love! Kill! Pet!
Image: Pinterest
50. The Age of Innocence
Image: Pinterest
Final Thoughts on Cat and Dog Memes
I hope that these cat and dog memes give you a little something to grin about as you go about your day. Those with pets recognize a lot of truth in these, as it’s easy to see a lot of our own pets in these moments.
In the end, it’s about fun and laughter and making life just a little bit easier. For further happiness, take a look at these cute cat memes. They’re guaranteed to get your “awww” reflex going.