As cat lovers, we cherish the joy and companionship these graceful creatures bring into our lives, but it’s essential to recognize the environmental impact of traditional cat care practices. Or rather, how the drive to cleanliness impacts our cat’s lives. Thankfully, these hilarious clean cat memes have been created to help us laugh at our …
Search results for: grooming
When it comes to Persian cat grooming, the last thing you want for your sweet kitty is matted, neglected fur. These thick, long-haired beauties have evolved over the years from natural and selective breeding to produce the luscious coat they have today. However, their stellar looks come with a little more responsibility and regular upkeep. …
Cats have a reputation for being aloof, independent creatures, but anyone who has ever truly bonded with a cat knows they are capable of deep trust and affection. Unlike dogs, who wear their emotions on their sleeves, cats are more subtle in expressing their feelings. If a cat trusts you, it will show it in …
Dogs are known as man’s best friend for a reason—they’re loyal, loving, and often a great source of joy. But as wonderful as they can be, owning a dog isn’t all cuddles and wagging tails. The reality of dog ownership comes with responsibilities, challenges, and sometimes downright frustrating moments. If you’re considering bringing a dog …
It’s one of the sweetest sights…one kitten leans into another and begins to lick its fur. As cute as we think this behavior is, there is practical logic behind it. So, why do cats lick each other? For our finicky felines, licking is key to grooming, which, as any kitty owner knows, cats are obsessed …
Cats are often celebrated as low-maintenance, independent pets that bring joy, comfort, and entertainment into our lives. However, while cat ownership can be a fulfilling experience, it’s not always sunshine and purring. Behind those adorable whiskers and mischievous eyes, there are some undeniable downsides to having a feline companion. Here are the ten worst things …
If your purr-fect little kitty is purring – melodious, vibrating, continuous sounds – it’s a sure sign they’re content. It’s also the most common sound cats make compared to other sounds, such as meowing, chirping, hissing, growling, and chattering. Many people are asking themselves, why does my cat purr when I pet her? When your …
You’re all snug and settled on the sofa, or typing away at your laptop, and suddenly, your adorable kitty jumps onto your lap, curls into a ball, and purrs away peacefully. Many ponder the question, “Why does my cat sit on me?”. There are many ways to express oneself in the cat world. Cats sometimes …
Why do cats chase their tails? Does your cat chase its own tail? My cat Alexei certainly does and I always find it very amusing. I didn’t realise that cats actually did this until I got my Siberian cat. In most cases, when we see a cat chasing its tail, it seems amusing. It’s unlike …
Cats have a great memory, especially when remembering bad experiences. While still up for debate, most experts believe felines can retain memories for 15 to 20 years! This practical capability helps them in the wild and allows them to form long-term bonds, recall useful information, and (yes) even hold grudges. In short, if you’re a …