As cat lovers, we cherish the joy and companionship these graceful creatures bring into our lives, but it’s essential to recognize the environmental impact of traditional cat care practices. Or rather, how the drive to cleanliness impacts our cat’s lives.
Thankfully, these hilarious clean cat memes have been created to help us laugh at our cats. Whether we’re trying to get them clean or they’re trying to do it themselves, chances are they can be caught in a compromising position. And when that’s not enough, a smart or snarky caption will do the job.
For the most part, cleanliness is next to wholesomeness, they say. As such, there are also plenty of wholesome cat memes to enjoy should you feel the need to do so. But in the meantime, here are some of the funniest clean cat memes to be found on the internet.
Cats and the Litterbox Sagas
A fundamental part of a cat’s life is the litter box. Whether it’s in daily use or part of a backup plan, it requires cleaning and care. Cats take to learning how to use it fairly quickly. But when a cat feels it’s not suitable for use, it is likely to let you know one way or another.
1. Scuze Me, Pleeze – A Certain Kind of Politeness

Image: Quotesgram
2. A True Feline Command

Image: Quickmeme
3. A Realization of Epic Consequences

Image: Quickmeme
4. Holding on for Dear Life

Image: Imgflip
Top Tip: If your kitty tends to spring a leak an awful lot, maybe it’s time you discover how often cats pee.
5. Let Me Show You My New Xmas Litter Box Trick

Image: Pinterest
6. Hit and Miss

Image: Litterboxissues
7. When Patience Is a Virtue… That Is in Short Supply

Image: Imgflip
8. If I Can’t Go, You Can’t Go

Image: Pinterest
Cats When It Comes to Bathtime
For some reason, cats and baths do not go together. For those humans who choose to try to bathe their cats, good luck. In most cases, it results in medical attention for someone. But sometimes, it does provide a hilarious meme.
9. The Battle and the War

Image: Cheezburger
10. Teach the Children Well

Image: Imgflip
11. A Scene From Stephen King’s “IT” Reboot

Image: Pinterest
12. This Cannot Be the Way Life Ends

Image: Cheezburger
13. Please Knock Before Entering

Image: Cheezburger
14. A Systematic Approach

Image: Cheezburger
15. You Have Been Warned

Image: Cleanmemes
The Struggles of Grooming Your Cat
Grooming your cat involves more than bathing. Not only will a thorough grooming regime keep your purrer in tip-top shape, but it’s also a fantastic bonding opportunity.
Here are some of the other aspects of cat personal hygiene that deserve some attention. The memes themselves are a wonderful side-benefit of the whole debacle.
16. Ten Points for Effort

Image: Cheezburger
17. The Watersnake Has Been Defeated

Image: Cheezburger
18. Synchronized Bathing Routine at Olympic Levels

Image: Cheezburger
19. Gollum Was Even More Unhinged After the Bath

Image: Makeameme
20. Why, Father?

Image: x
21. Not So Bad After You Get Used to It

Image: Quickmeme
22. Taking Out the Trash Has Benefits

Image: Cheezburger
23. Spa Day at Snowy’s House

Image: Cheezburger
24. Not What It Looked Like at First

Image: Makeameme
25. Is There Something Stuck in My Teeth?

Image: Cheezburger
26. Everyone Loves a Fancy Vibrating Head Toothbrush

Image: Pinterest
27. Follow the Instructions, and You Won’t Go Wrong

Image: Memeguy
28. Can’t Really Argue With That

Image: Pinterest
29. Emotional Wellbeing

Image: Makeameme
30. Solitary Anger

Image: Pinterest
31. Smile… If You Have Them Teeth

Image: Pinterest
32. Change of Plan

Image: Cheezburger
33. Nigel Had Been Misled About the Contents of the Bowl.

Image: Imgflip
34. After Every Nom

Image: Pinterest
35. Some Assistance in Room 3, Please

Image: Imgflip
Cat Cleaning Etiquette
Sometimes, a certain level of social decorum is all that’s required to win favor. When that social agreement is violated, it makes for awkward moments. Or a funny meme.
36. Business Cat Maintains a Corporate Image at All Costs

37. Tinkerbell Was Not Enjoying the Vet’s Suggested Regime

Image: Imgflip
38. Are You Done With the Sports Section?

Image: Pinterest
39. When the Hunger Takes Over

Image: Cheezburger
40. Sorry About That, Dude. There, I Made It Better

Image: Cheezburger
41. Another Silent Protest Regarding Personal Space

Image: Facebook
42. Awkward Sensations

Image: Pinterest
The Risks of Keeping Your Space and Cat Clean
Warnings and tense moments occur daily in a cat home. Who among us has not seen these situations play out in our lives with cats?
43. Look In My Eyes

Image: Cheezburger
44. Curiosity of a Specific Nature

Image: Cheezburger
45. A Disagreement on Protocol

Image: Cheezburger
46. Not Sure What Happened Here… But It Was Epic!

47. Get Out, Frank!

Image: Pinterest
48. Something Bad Has Happened!

Image: Pinterest
49. Scene From the Remake of “Psycho”

Image: Cheezburger
General Clean Living Cat Memes
Keeping a generally clean personhood and environment is good for you and your cat. These fine felines all happily contribute to that status quo. Or don’t. Whatever.
50. A Familiar Brief

Image: Cheezburger
51. Kind Favors From a Loving Pet

Image: Reddit
52. Gimme One Good Reason

Image: Memecreator
53. Nope Index *1000

Image: Lovethispic
54. Just Trying to Help

Image: Imgflip
55. The Accused

Image: Pinterest
56. A Self-Cleaning Dish Sponge. How About That?

Image: Imgflip
57. Maintaining the Tech

Image: Imgflip
58. The Cat Babysitter Is Excellent at Cleaning Up After Mealtimes

Image: Pinterest
59. Don’t Mind Me

Image: Pinterest
Awkward Cat Cleaning Situations
Cats often have awkward situations in relation to cleaning. Not to worry; we’ve all had them.
60. Someone Is a Little Cranky

Image: Pinterest
61. Sticky Situation

Image: Reddit
62. Overnight Cleaning Service Is Efficient

Image: Cheezburger
63. Application Successful

Image: Pinterest
64. Shoulda Woulda Coulda

Image: Imgflip
65. Reasoning – It Has Benefits

Image: Pinterest
66. The Philosophy of Anger

Image: Quickmeme
67. Coulda Woulda Shoulda Part II: New Horizons

Image: Quickmeme
68. Wait a Minute…

69. Laundry Day!

Image: Cheezburger
70. An Argument for Making a Choice

71. Crawl Spaces Also Need Cleaning

Image: Pinterest
72. What Has This Cat Just Seen Running Through the House?

Image: Makeameme
73. Chores Can Be Fun

Image: Cheezburger
74. Learn to Interpret Cat Body Language, Human

Image: Coolkittycondos
Top Tip: Your feline friend can get pretty upset from time to time, and knowing how to deal with that can come in handy. Figuring out how to read cat emotions is essential for every proud kitty parent.
75. Grumpy Cat Makes Salient Points

Image: Pinterest
76. Who Hasn’t Felt It?

Image: Pinterest
77. Cheeky Little So-and-So

Image: Imgflip
Final Thoughts on Clean Cat Memes
You must agree that some of these memes tickle the funny bone. Those of you with cats will also feel that most of them ring somewhat familiar. That’s because cats are just delightful to live with and give us reason to break out the camera at every opportunity.
Who knows? Perhaps there’s a cute cat meme in the making in your very own home.