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The Top 12 Fluffiest Cat Breeds That Will Make You Swoon

I am a huge fan of floof and fluff. When I was looking at what type of cat to get, I scoured through the fluffiest cat breeds that also happen to act like dogs and found the perfect match — my Siberian cat Alexei.

While Siberians are wonderfully fluffy and — spoiler alert — are on this list, there are also several other fabulously fluffy cat breeds. And the fluffiest kitties also seem to have lovely and friendly personalities everyone can get behind.

Here are my 12 fluffiest cat breeds that everyone will love.


1. Maine Coon Cats

maine coon
PC: Lilun_Li/Depositphotos

These fluffy felines really are something special. Known to be gentle giants, they’re often referred to as the dogs of the cat world thanks to their unique Maine Coon personality.

So if you’re a self-proclaimed dog person but looking to broaden your horizons, this will be your perfect transition to being a cat owner too.

Maine Coons are characteristically friendly, loveable, and very vocal. Their sizable bodies and heavy, double-layer long hair kept them well-protected against the brutal cold in Maine, which is the state they originated from.

2. Himalayan Cats

PC: RobHainer/Depositphotos

These gentle cats boast lovely, deep blue eyes and long, dense coats. The Himalayan cat is medium-sized, with a similar appearance and features to the pretty Persian cat.

That said, Himalayans are almost always blue-eyed cats. They are also cream or white fluffy cats, with various color points resulting from crossing with the Siamese cat.

The Himalayan cats, or Himmies, are beautiful and often exhibit kitten-like bursts of energy. They can go from snoozing in sunlight to zipping around through the living room.

Himalayan cats make great companions and thrive on interaction, exercise, and grooming.

3. Norwegian Forest Cat

Puteli norwegian
PC: puteli/depositphotos

Larger than your average cat, the Norwegian Forest cat breed are rather elegant kitties. They have long legs and bushy tails that are often as long as their bodies.

People often get mixed up between Norwegian Forests and Maine Coons, but the biggest giveaway is their size differences, with Maine Coons being bigger.

When their coat has fully come in, they are a sight to behold. They are genuinely puffy cats with a full mane, fluffy chest, furry legs, and even tufts of fur between their toes.

As a result, these friendly cats do require daily grooming. Their ears also often get tufts of fur that need grooming too. The Norwegian Forest Cat actually has a double coat, with one being weatherproof.

4. Exotic Shorthair Cat Breed

exotic short hair Wutlufaipy
PC: Wutlufajpy/Depositphotos

The super cute Exotic Shorthair breed is characterized by its moustachioed face and laid-back personality. This breed has short thick legs, broad bodies, large round paws, and short tails.

This puffy cat has extremely soft coats and comes in 140 different colors. There is also an Exotic Longhair sub-breed which has flowing locks.

The Exotic Shorthair is a result of mating between a Persian Cat and a British Shorthair. As such, it is often cited as an easier grooming option than Persians with much of the fabulous floof, making them the fluffiest kittens you’ll adore.

5. British Shorthair Cats

Mari1Photo british shorthair
PC: mariphoto/depositphotos

The British Shorthair cat is a medium to large-sized cat breed with large gold, orange, or copper color eyes, a short, broad nose, and a short to medium coat. Daily grooming of these felines is necessary, especially during seasonal changes.

These lovely kitties are highly intelligent; however, they’re happy to lounge around all day, so you’ll need to put in some work to get them exercising. Get some wand-like toys and start a game with your British Shorthair cat; it can be great fun.

This indoor cat breed has an easy going personality and provides great companionship. While these cats love to play, they don’t require hourly attention.

6. Persian Cats

persian cat
PC: lifeonwhite/depositphotos

Persian cats are affectionate, docile, and gentle kitties. They have a quiet demeanor, and you’ll regularly see them plop down on any soft surface and simply pose for your appreciation. These elegant cats are not very active, which makes them the perfect indoor pet.

As one of the fluffiest breeds of cat, grooming your Persian (at least once a day) is a must. Try to find a comb or a cat brush that’s appropriate for the length of your Persian Cat’s coat. You’ll find with these bundles of joy the more you groom them, the more loving they’ll become toward you.

Although affectionate, Persian cats are discriminative and reserve their attention for family and a few trusted guests.

This beautiful fluffy round cat is a flat-faced breed that gets along with children and other household pets. However, they aren’t fans of loud environments and prefer serene homes where little changes.

7. Ragdoll Cat Breed

PC: lifeonwhite/depositphotos

Playful and friendly, with stunning blue eyes, the Ragdoll cat is a famously fun pet. Their most fascinating feature is their tendency to lie limp when you pick them up (as opposed to most cats, who squirm out of your hold as soon as they can).

Ragdoll cat colors range almost as much as the rainbow (okay, not quite), but there’s a lot to choose from. They are also loyal fluffballs and often greet their humans at the door. They’re also great with dogs and children, making them perfect for families.

With a sweet and gentle temperament, Ragdolls are super relaxed with strangers and will seek a bit of love from everyone. This is one of the friendliest expensive cat breeds out there.

8. Siberian Cats

black siberian cat lying on its back
PC: TheDiscerningCat

My own feline friend, Alexei, is a Siberian, and while he may not be seen as the fluffiest cat in the world, he sure is up there. With a thick, luxurious coat, stunning colors, and an affectionate personality, Siberians are well-suited to any home.

They’re laid-back but enjoy playing and are very attached to their humans. You’ll often find your Siberian cat following along behind you and cuddling up as soon as you take a seat.

As you may expect, this loving cat comes from Siberia in Russia, so they’re well suited to cold conditions. It’s an ancient breed thought to be ancestral to all modern long-haired cats. That’s quite the pedigree.

9. Munchkin Cats

PC: ots-photos/depositphotos

If you’re looking for a small fluffy cat, look no further than the Munchkin. With teeny tiny short little legs and normal-sized bodies, these diverse cats are absolutely adorable.

The Munchkin’s canine counterpart is undoubtedly the sausage dog, as they share the short-legged trait. This is why these little felines are also called the “sausage cat.”

Considered the original dwarf cat, the Munchkin is not exclusive and can be linked to several other breeds. For example, you can find a Siamese Munchkin or even a Maine Coon Munchkin cat. It’s all about that short-legged gene mutation.

There is quite a lot of controversy surrounding these sweet-looking felines, as there is concern over potential health and mobility issues. They were not considered an official breed for many years and were not allowed to partake in feline competitions.

Even today, there are several councils and associations that do not recognize the Munchkin cat breed.

However, most sources say that the shortness of their legs does not affect the Munchkin’s running and leaping abilities. Also, they generally don’t have more joint or bone problems than other cat breeds. So, if you are passionate about their little legs, your ethics needn’t be compromised.

The personalities of Munchkin cats are generally sweet, outgoing, and intelligent. They also respond well to being handled, which is lovely, as you’ll undoubtedly want to hold these cuties all day long.

10. Ragamuffin Cats

White ragamuffin cat waiting for food
PC: YAYImages/DepositPhotos

This often large and long-bodied kitty is as cute as its name. Its soft and silky coat can become quite long and fluffy. As one of the cutest cat breeds, it likes to be held like a baby and is known for its docile nature.

Ragamuffin cats are known for behaving more like a puppy than a kitten. They love to play fetch, learn new tricks and even go out for a walk. Ragamuffins are very much lap cats and will be at their happiest close to their favorite people.

11. Birman Cat Breed

Birman cat at home on sunny day
PC: Lofilolo/Depositphotos

This adorable breed is characterized by its darker face, which contrasts with a generally white body. The Birman’s bushy tail and paws are also usually dark, as are the insides of their ears. All of this is offset by gorgeous blue eyes, making them one of the cute fluffy cats everyone adores.

These affectionate and gentle cats were bred to be companions, so they are happiest spending time with their closest human.

They tend to be happiest indoors and are best suited to this lifestyle. Many owners find them so adorable they end up with a second Birman, and this breed loves the company of other kitties as well as humans.

12. Scottish Fold

scottish fold
PC: irisphoto11/depositphotos

Scottish Fold cats, named for their unusual folded ears and striking, yellowish-orange eyes, are kitties that love being around people. These easy going cats have great personalities and get along with anyone.

While they may be best known for those funny folded ears, this breed is also characterized by beautiful big round eyes. Their eyes come in shades of gold, blue or gray, and green. Add these to those fluffy ears, and you have one unique cat breed!

As active mousers, Scottish fold cats are playful, sensitive, and expressive. These joyful felines have a habit of posing in odd positions — sitting upright as if they were a meerkat, lying flat on the floor, or on their backs with their paws in the air.

They are moderately active and enjoy toys that test their agility and challenge their intelligence, like puzzle toys. Scottish fold cats crave attention and make great companions, so expect to play with them when you get home from work or school.

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