White cats are pretty rare. They make up only about 5% of all cats. With their stunning snow-white coats, white cat breeds stand out and look unique. And, of course, they hold a special place in the hearts of their loving families.
Unlike calico and tortoiseshell cats, white cats are not associated with a specific breed. Many long-haired and short-haired species can have a pure white coat. Some examples include Persians, Turkish Angoras, American Shorthairs, Siamese, and Devon Rex cats.
So, white cats come in various shapes and sizes, and they often sport additional color markings. However, some white cats possess a masking gene that conceals their true colors.
Regardless of the reason behind their white appearance, I adore these feline companions. I’ve listed 25 white cat breeds below that exemplify their unique charm.
25 White Cat Breeds You’ll Love
There’s something about white cats that capture our hearts and imaginations. We don’t seem to mind that they need more care to keep clean (in our minds). We don’t even care that they seem less willing to engage with us (again, in our minds). White cats seem to attract us like flowers attract bees.
Side note: Looking for a name for your cat? Here are some fun white cat name suggestions to amuse and inspire you.
1. American Curl
Image by Chicsweet from Pixabay
The first thing you’ll notice about the American Curl is its unique ears. They curl backward and seem quite alien-like, even though the rest of the cat looks perfectly normal.
The ears are so important to this breed that they are critical to cat shows’ judging criteria. Cats with ears that curl too much (beyond 180 degrees) or too little (less than 90 degrees) are automatically disqualified.
That’s not all. Cats lacking sufficient hard cartilage at the base of their ears or those with uneven curling between the two ears are also not eligible for competing.
Image: Scott via Wikimedia
2. American Shorthair
The American Shorthair was among the first five breeds recognized by the US Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). These cats may have arrived on the continent as early as the original European settlers. Yes, they could have reached American continental shores with the Mayflower.
American Shorthairs are known for their above-average robustness regarding lifespan and health. They are highly-rated family cats and are among the world’s top 10 most popular purebred cats.
White American Shorthairs are like adorable snowballs in cat form. Their entire bodies are sparkling white and seem to shine in the sun. They may have blue eyes, gold eyes, or even one of each, adding to their peculiar charm. Additionally, white American Shorthair cats have pink noses and paw pads, adding to their cuteness.
3. Balinese-Javanese
Public Domain via PXHere
There needs to be some clarification regarding Balinese-Javanese cats and their parent breeds. These two breeds are closely related, with one being considered a variation of the other.
Science suggests that a spontaneous genetic change occurred within the Siamese cat breed at some point, leading to the development of a breed variation with long and luxurious fur.
Balinese kittens display a point pattern but start as pure cream or white when born. As they grow, certain body parts, such as the face, ears, paws, and tail, gradually develop visible points of color.
You can quickly identify their “other” or point color when they reach four weeks old. Some cats may get darker as they get older. Interestingly, Balinese cats living in warm regions have lighter coats than those in colder areas.
You might enjoy reading my articles on white and black breeds and Orange Cat Breeds.
4. British Shorthair
Image by Gabriele M. Reinhardt from Pixabay
British Shorthairs come in various colors. One popular British Shorthair color variation is British Blue, known for its distinct gray-blue hue. These cats can also be found in gray and white, tabby patterns, pure cream, calico, blue-spotted, black and white, and pure white.
The British Shorthair is a solid and robust cat with a medium to large body size. It is thickly built and rounded, with well-developed muscles and heavy bones. This cat has a broad chest, a muscular neck, strong jaws, and a strong muzzle. Their legs are thick and sturdy, adding to their powerful appearance.
5. British Longhair
Image: Kristinamac via Wikimedia
The British Longhair cat is just as fancy and stylish as its cousin, the British Shorthair. The main thing that sets them apart is the length and texture of their fur. The British Longhair has a medium-length coat that feels super smooth and silky. As long-haired white fluffy cat breeds go, this one is a beauty.
6. Japanese Bobtail
Image: Jonny-mt via Wikimedia
The Japanese Bobtail is a special kind of cat with a unique bobtail that looks more like a rabbit’s tail. This cat breed hails originally from Japan, but you can now find it all around the globe.
Coat color and pattern preferences vary among enthusiasts. Harlequin and Van patterns are very popular, as is solid white.
7. Khao Manee
Image by Василь Линник from Pixabay
Welcome to the big league of long-haired white cats. The Khao Manee is a pure all-white cat whose name translates to “white gem.” Though it looks a little like a Siamese cat, the Khao Manee has an oriental body type, which adds to its graceful and agile nature. But what truly sets them apart is their captivating eyes.
Stare into them long enough, and you may be enchanted. Khao Manees’ eyes can be blue or gold or two different colors. The odd-eyed Khao Manee is the rarest variant and, therefore, likely the most expensive.
These feline beauties boast a sleek, short coat that fits snugly against their bodies. With a solid and athletic physique, they are true athletes among cats.
8. LaPerm
Photo by Nothing Ahead via Pixabay
LaPerm cats are famous for their distinctly curly fur, which resembles a human perm hairstyle (that’s where the name comes from). The curls are most prominent around the stomach, neck, and ears. Meanwhile, the rest of the body displays relaxed waves of silky hair.
It’s been suggested that LaPerms owe their strange coats to a genetic mutation in Rex breeds. That is strange because they are unrelated to the Devon or Cornish Rex. LaPerm kittens may also be born without fur and develop their characteristic curly coat a few weeks later. This is one unique cat.
9. Maine Coon
Image by Kanashi from Pixabay
Maine Coon cats are legendary among cat fanciers for several reasons (their size and personality being just two). White Maine Coons are a stunning variation of this popular breed. Their fur coats are pure white and shine brightly in the light. It’s important to note that white is not considered a color traditionally, though.
These cats only possess a masking gene that conceals their underlying coloring. White Maine Coon cats make up only 1.5% of the entire Maine Coon population. This makes them very uncommon and adds to their appeal.
10. Munchkin
Photo by Tahir Osman via Pexels
Munchkin cats, sometimes affectionately known as “sausage cats,” are regular domestic cats with a distinctive feature: short legs. While these cuties aren’t bulky, these deceptively agile felines possess remarkable strength.
There are two coat variations found among Munchkins: shorthair and longhair. Shorthair Munchkins are among the best white fluffy cat breed examples and boast a plush coat. Longhair Munchkins have a silky and smooth texture.
11. Napoleon Cat
Image: William Parker via Wikimedia
The Napoleon cat is a relatively new addition to the cat family, a yet-to-be-recognized breed by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). It’s a cute cat with short legs and was created by crossing the Munchkin and Persian cat breeds.
A white Napoleon cat is an especially welcome member of a home. Its soft and luxurious coat is available in longhair and shorthair varieties. They are small, white, fluffy, and simply perfect in all the essential ways.
You might enjoy my article on blue eyed white cat breeds.
12. Norwegian Forest Cat
Image by angelin from Pixabay
Norwegian Forest Cats were once wild and roamed the forests of Scandinavia, appearing in numerous Norwegian folktales. Some even believe their ancestors accompanied Vikings on their Longboats, helping to control mice.
Norwegian Forest Cats come in various colors, including white. These cats are large with semi-long, dense fur. Despite their immense size, they are quick, agile, and excellent hunters.
People sometimes mistake Norwegian Forest Cats for Maine Coons, and it’s understandable, considering their close relationship.
13. Oriental Foreign White
Image: Heikki Siltala via Wikimedia
In the 1950s, a new cat breed was developed in the UK. It was created by crossing Siamese with white short-haired cats to produce a specific color variation.
The result was the Oriental Foreign White cat, a Siamese breed that is entirely white. This blue-eyed cat breed is unlike traditional Siamese cats, as it has no color on its tail, face, paws, or ears.
Today, the Foreign White is recognized by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) and the Australian Cat Federation (ACF). However, in some other registries, it is considered merely a color variety of the Siamese or Oriental Shorthair breeds rather than an independent breed.
14. Oriental Shorthair
Photo by Pixabay via Pexels:
The Oriental Shorthair is a special cat, closely connected to the Siamese cat. It shares the same head and body shape as the modern Siamese but with a wide variety of coat colors and patterns.
These cats have distinctive large ears, angular faces, and slender bodies. It’s worth noting that all Oriental Shorthairs, except for those with white fur, have striking green eyes.
15. Persian
Image by Denise McQuillen from Pixabay
The Persian cat, also called the Persian Longhair, has long fur and a round face. Its origins are unclear, but it is believed to have come from Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iran.
That said, the official recognition of white Persians seems to have first occurred in the 1900s. Other organizations that acknowledge Persian cats include the Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe) and The International Cat Association (TICA).
16. Ragdoll
Image by 孟想家 from Pixabay
The Ragdoll cat is known for its unique coat color, blue eyes, and tendency to go floppy in your arms. These cats are large and heavy, and their fur is soft and semi-long. They have a particularly interesting story when it comes to color.
When Ragdoll kittens are born, they don’t have any color in their fur. As they grow older, their hair gradually develops color, and it usually takes about two years for their final coat color to appear fully.
So, kittens can be born completely white and then develop patches of color as they get older. However, it’s rare to find a Ragdoll cat that is purely white. A pure white specimen is called a blue-eyed white Ragdoll but is not officially recognized as part of the breed standard.
17. Scottish Fold
Photo by Daniel Liu via Pexels
The Scottish Fold originated in the 1960s due to a genetic mutation. This rare cat breed has distinct characteristics, such as a rounded face and body and unique folded ears that make them resemble owls.
Their coats come in various colors, from white to black, and can have markings or be a solid color. If you prefer a long-haired white cat of this breed, it is called a Highland Fold.
18. Siamese
Photo by Leah Kelley via Pexels:
Finding a Foreign White Siamese cat is a challenge. In recent times, the task of breeding these feline wonders has become increasingly difficult. This is partly because some breeders no longer prioritize preserving pure Siamese bloodlines.
While the Foreign White Siamese is often recognized as a distinct breed, it is also commonly called the White Siamese.
19. Siberian
Image by Petra from Pixabay
The Siberian cat is a traditional Russian breed that has been around for centuries. In the late-1980s, it was officially recognized as a formal breed with established standards worldwide. While its proper name is Siberian Forest Cat, it’s commonly known as the Siberian or Siberian cat.
White Siberian cats are highly coveted and considered rare. Collectors and enthusiasts actively seek them out.
20. Sphynx
Photo by Anna Shvets via Pexels
The Sphynx stands out with a truly one-of-a-kind appearance. One charming feature is their thicker paw pads, which are noticeably different from those of other cat breeds.
Sometimes called the Canadian Sphynx, these hairless cats come in various colors and patterns. You can find them in solid colors like white, black, red, brown, and lavender. In terms of patterns, they can be found in bicolor, calico, tabby, tortoiseshell, pointed, and mink.
21. Turkish Angora
Photo by Sergey Semin on Unsplash
Turkish Angora cats come in white (a preferred color) but are also found in black, red, brown, and gray throughout the world. They also have different patterns, such as tabby, tortoiseshell, and bicolor variations.
Interesting fact: At the Ankara Zoo, white is the most common color of Turkish Angoras.
22. Turkish Van
Image by Pasi Mämmelä from Pixabay
The Turkish Van is a rare and unique breed known for its playful and intelligent nature. These cats have an all-white body with spots of different colors on their heads. Their tails are usually one solid color that matches the spots.
Although all-white Turkish Vans do exist (and are prized by casual cat fanciers), they are not considered to have the desired show quality, so breeders actively work to minimize this trait.
23. Cornish Rex
Image: Korona Lacasse via Wikimedia
Finding a Cornish Rex cat can be challenging because they are rare. The most notable feature of the Cornish Rex is its coat.
Most cat breeds have three types of hair: long guard hairs, a middle layer of awn hair, and a down undercoat. On the other hand, Cornish Rex cats only have a downy undercoat. This gives them a silky and wavy appearance, resembling velvet.
Though unusual, white Cornish Rex cats can be found. Because they are so unusual-looking, a white Rex with long limbs and an angular face can look somewhat alien-like. White down fur looks especially odd, as its gentle curls wave like sheep wool.
24. European Shorthair
Image; Heikki Siltala via Wikimedia
The Russian White Cat came about in the 60s and was initially known as the Arctic Chumvi. That first line of the breed was crossed with a Siberian, resulting in the modern-day Russian White. These cats come in three main colors, white being the most dominant. Variations can be found in black and blue.
The Russian White coat is usually pure white and displays no points or other colors. The coats are short and dense, which makes them perfect for long sessions of lap-sitting.
25. Himalayan
Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay
The Himalayan cat is easily recognizable by its coat. It has long, thick, shiny, smooth fur that feels soft and delicate. This coat also provides a thick ruff around its neck.
The Himalayan cat has long fur extending down from its front legs and tufts of hair in its ears and feet. It also sports a bushy tail.
In terms of color, most Himalayan cats are white or fawn. However, they have an accent color on their face, ears, and tail in almost any shade.
Which White Cats Are Your Favorite?
Whether it’s their mysterious masked colors or their pure, snow-white coats, fluffy white cat breeds never fail to capture our hearts. Their unique characteristics and personalities make them beloved companions in countless households around the globe.
So, whether you’re a fan of the Siamese or the Scottish Fold, the Maine Coon or the Ragdoll, there’s a white cat type out there for everyone.
Check out this article for information on more unique cat breeds.