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Are Maine Coon Cats Friendly? Everything You Need to Know

Maine Coons are one of the best kinds of cats on the market and are often described as having a personality that combines the best attributes of dogs and cats. But are Maine Coon cats friendly? They certainly are!

Maine Coons have outgoing personalities and would very rarely be mean to anyone. If they are acting strangely, there will generally always be a good reason for it and this may be an indication that they have been mistreated.

Are you ready to find out just how friendly Maine Coons really are? Keep reading to find out more about these lovely creatures.

Maine coon cats with their tongue out, sitting next to each other.
Maine Coon cats


Maine Coon Cat Personality: 6 Key Characteristics

Maine Coons are well known for being some of the most even-tempered cats around. They are gentle giants that love to play and have a good time, but they also know how to relax when it’s time to chill out. This makes them the absolute perfect companion for families with small children or other pets in the home.

While Maine Coons are typically very friendly, there are always exceptions to the rule. Just like with people, some Maine Coons may be shyer or more reserved than others. This is mostly due to a bad experience in their past or if they were not properly socialized as kittens. If you adopt a Maine Coon that seems a bit stand-offish, don’t worry. With a little patience and love, they will warm up to you in no time.

maine coon
maine coon cat

Here are some traits that are commonly associated with Maine Coons personalities:

  • Friendly
  • Gentle
  • Loving
  • Playful
  • Affectionate
  • Intelligent
  • Curious
  • Loyal

1. Family-Friendly

If you’re looking for a family-friendly cat, look no further than the Maine Coon. These cats are known for being excellent with children and getting along well with other pets in the home. Maine Coons are also patient cats, which makes them ideal for families with small children who may not know how to properly treat a cat.

dark ginger maine coon cat stares are maine coon cats friendly
Maine Coon

Of course, as with any pet, it’s important to introduce your Maine Coon to your other family members gradually. This will help them get used to each other and avoid any potential problems down the road. It’s also important to teach your children how to properly interact with a cat, such as not pulling its tail or ears.

2. Maine Coons and Dogs

One of the most loved things about Maine Coons is that they generally get along very well with dogs. This is partly due to their laid-back personalities and their size (they’re one of the largest domesticated cat breeds, after all). Maine Coons can hold their own against even the most rambunctious of dogs, and they usually come out on top in any “disputes” between the two.

dark grey maine coon cat on grey couch

Of course, it’s always important to introduce your Maine Coon to your dog gradually and make sure that both animals are properly supervised when they are together. But as long as you do this, you shouldn’t have any problems. (

3. Communicative

Maine Coons are known for being very communicative cats. They will often “talk” to you with their meows, chirps, and trills, and they are even known to make sounds that resemble words. So if you’re looking for a cat that you can have a conversation with, the Maine Coon is definitely the breed for you.

maine coon cat staring at camera from window sill

4. Inquisitive Nature

Maine Coons are known for their curious and inquisitive nature. They love to explore their surroundings and are always up for a good game of “cat and mouse.” This makes them the perfect companion for families with small children or other pets in the home.

maine coon tabby cat staring with very pointy ears

If you’re looking for a cat that is always up for an adventure, the Maine Coon is definitely the breed for you! Maines Coons are different from your regular house cat, so be aware that you are in for a surprise.

5. Loving Disposition

Maine coons are gentle giants that make great companions. While they may be large, they are actually very gentle creatures that love to cuddle. They are also very intelligent, so they can be trained to do tricks, use a litter box, and even walk on a leash. If you’re looking for a furry friend that will provide you with years of companionship, a Maine coon is the perfect pet for you.

grey maine-coon cat with green eyes looking to side

6. Intelligence

Maine Coons are the most intelligent cats. They are known for their ability to learn tricks, solve problems, and even open doors. This makes them the perfect companion for families with small children or other pets in the home. If you’re looking for a smart and savvy cat, the Maine Coon is a fun partner in crime to have.

young-maine-coon cat lying down

17 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Maine Coons

When it comes to the Maine Coons, there are endless questions to be answered. After all, they are one of the cat breeds that act almost nothing like cats at all. So if you’re prepared to welcome a Maine Coon into your family, you’ll likely have plenty of questions about this interesting breed.

These are a couple of the most frequently asked questions about Maine Coon cats.

1. Do Maine Coons Like to be Held?

Maine Coons are like babies, and if they could spend all day in your arms, they would. While some think of them as clingy, they could also be considered incredibly loving. You can expect a cuddle whenever you’re up for it.

ginger maine coon cat with fruit

If you’re sitting on the couch, they will be sure to climb into your lap the second you sit down. you can also expect just as much love out of them as you put in. So if you raised them in your arms, they will stay there for the rest of their lives (even when they are fully-grown).

2. Do Maine Coon Cats Make Good House Pets?

Maine Coon cats are some of the best house pets you can have. They are friendly, loving, and intelligent. They also tend to get along well with other pets in the home. If you’re looking for a cat that is easy to care for and loves spending time with its family, the Maine Coon is definitely the breed for you.

Ginger Maine Coon cat lying on the wooden table.

3. Do Maine Coon Cats Like Water?

Maine Coons love water and often enjoy playing in it. They are known for their love of swimming and will even jump into ponds or pools after their favorite toys. While they may not be the best swimmers, they certainly enjoy getting wet!

You shouldn’t be surprised if you have some unexpected company in the shower, your Maine Coon is just there to enjoy your company and the warm water all at once.

maine coon tuxedo cat

4. Can Maine Coon Cats be Mean?

Maine Coon cats are not typically mean or aggressive. They are known for their gentle dispositions and love of play. However, like all animals, they can have bad days. If you think your Maine Coon is acting out of character, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian.

grey and ginger maine coon kittens with some fruit

5. Do Maine Coons Like to be Left Alone?

Maine Coons do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. They are social creatures that thrive on companionship. If you’re gone for most of the day or on holiday, it’s best to have someone check on them or take them to a boarding facility.

black maine coon cat

6. Are Male or Female Maine Coons More Friendly?

There is no difference in the friendliness of male and female Maine Coons. They are both equally loving and affectionate cats.

blue maine coon cat

7. Will Maine Coons Run Away?

Maine Coons are not known for running away. They are loyal cats that enjoy spending time with their families. However, if they are left alone for long periods of time, they may become bored and run off in search of adventure.

Brown maine coon cat.
Maine Coon

8. Why Does my Maine Coon Cat Bite Me?

Maine Coon cats typically bite out of excitement or playfulness. However, if they feel threatened or scared, they may also bite out of self-defence. If your Maine Coon is biting you, it’s important to try and figure out why they are doing it.

If they are just playing, try to provide them with toys that they can bite and scratch. If they seem to be biting out of aggression and you’re wondering why your cat is biting you, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

Cream Maine Coon cat lying on the sofa.

9. My Maine Coon Won’t Stop Meowing, What do I do?

If your Maine Coon is meowing excessively, it could be a sign that something is wrong. They may be bored, hungry, or in need of attention. It’s important to try and figure out what they need and provide it for them. If the meowing continues, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian.

If your cat is meowing at night, it’s best to speak to a professional to find out what your cat might need.

Close up view of a Tabby Maine Coon cat.

10. How Do I Pick a Maine Coon Kitten?

When choosing a Maine Coon kitten, it’s important to find a reputable breeder. Avoid purchasing kittens from pet stores or online retailers. It’s also best to visit the breeder’s facility to meet the kittens and their parents. This will give you a good idea of what to expect when the kitten grows up. Choose a kitten that is healthy and has a friendly personality.

white maine coon kitten

11. What Should I Look for in a Maine Coon Cat?

When looking for a Maine Coon cat, it’s important to find one with a gentle disposition. They should also be affectionate and enjoy spending time with their families. If you’d like your kitten to live a long and happy life, it’s also important to choose a cat that is healthy and has no known health problems.

White maine coon cat.

12. Is it Better to Have Two Maine Coons?

Many people believe that it’s better to have two Maine Coons. This is because they are a social breed that enjoys the company of other cats. Having two Maine Coons will also help keep them from getting bored or running off.

13. What is it Like Owning a Maine Coon?

Owning a Maine Coon can be a very rewarding experience. They are known for being affectionate and loving cats. They are also relatively low-maintenance, which makes them a good choice for busy people.

maine coon ragdoll mix kitten
maine coon ragdoll mix kitten

14. Are Maine Coon Cats Easy to Train?

Maine Coon cats are generally easy to train. They are intelligent and can learn tricks and commands relatively easily. However, they may need some patience and positive reinforcement to stay motivated.

15. Should I Let my Maine Coon Outside?

Maine Coons are indoor cats and should not be let outside. They are not equipped to handle the outdoors and can easily become injured or lost. It’s also important to keep them indoors to protect them from diseases and parasites.

With their tendency to get lost, it’s best to keep them inside to prevent them from getting accidentally hit by a car. But do also take into consideration that inside cats are generally a little more high maintenance because they still need to exercise and chase something (as all healthy cats do).

16. Why Does my Maine Coon Follow me Everywhere?

There could be a few reasons why your Maine Coon is following you around. It could be that they enjoy your company and want to be near you. Or, it could be that they are looking for attention and love. Whatever the reason, it’s important to give them the attention they crave.

17. How Do I Keep my Maine Coon Entertained?

Maine Coons are known for being intelligent and playful cats. They often enjoy playing with toys, climbing, and exploring their surroundings. To keep your Maine Coon entertained, provide them with plenty of toys and space to roam. You can also take them on walks or runs outside to help burn off some energy.

Final Thoughts on Are Maine Coon cats friendly?

Maine Coons are one of the friendliest and most affectionate breeds of cats. They make great pets for families or individuals that are looking for a loving companion. They are also relatively low-maintenance, which makes them a good choice for busy people. If you’re looking for a new furry friend, consider adopting a Maine Coon.

Maine coon cat on a white background.
Maine Coon Mix Cat

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