Are you looking for the newest addition to your fur family? Or did you bring home a bundle of joy that have think may have all the traits of a Maine Coon? Either way, there are some sure-fire ways of telling whether or not the furry little creature has what it takes to grow into a full-size Maine Coon.
While Maine Coons are highly sought-after cats, there are many kittens being marketed as Maine Coons, but in reality, they are just fluffy cats.
If you want to separate the men from the boys, or the Maine Coons from your average house cat, there are certain characteristics you’ll need to look out for.
How to Tell if Your Kitten is a Maine Coon: 7 Key Traits
These are some of the traits you should be looking out for in a Maine Coon kitten.
1. Body Shape of a Maine Coon
There are a few key ways in which you can tell apart the body shape of a Maine Coon and a regular domestic cat. For starters, Maine Coons tend to be much larger than your average house cat. They also have longer tails and legs, giving them a more regal appearance overall.
While all kittens are generally rather small, you will notice that your kitten starts to grow at a much faster rate if they are a Maine Coon. Early indications of this irregular growth can be found by looking at their paws. If their paws look a little too large for their body size and are bigger than that of other kittens the same age, there is a good chance your kitten has at least a little Maine Coon in its genes.
Unfortunately, the size of your kitten is easier to monitor as they grow, but after around 3 months, all the other Maine Coon traits start to make themselves apparent.
2. The Fur of a Maine Coon
The coat of a genuine Maine Coon is thick, dense, and luxurious. It’s also usually very long, with some cats having coats that reach down all the way to the ground, so choose your cat brush wisely.
The hair on a Maine Coon’s tail is especially thick and fluffy, and it’s not uncommon for the hairs on the tips of their tails to be much longer than the rest of the fur.
This is yet another factor that can be hard to pick up in kittens as all kittens tend to be rather fluffy. But Maine Coons are more fluffy than your regular cat, and this is particularly noticeable on their face when they are still young.
Unfortunately, Maine Coons are not hypoallergenic, and their thick coat makes it very difficult to escape all the hair. So if you do happen to be allergic to cats, it’s best that you stay away from the Maine Coon breed altogether.
Their tale is also noticeably more fluffy from a very young age, which makes it rather easy to pick up whether your cat is a Maine Coon.
3. The Ears of a Maine Coon
One of the most distinguishing features of a Maine Coon is its ears. Unlike most other cats, who have round, pointy ears, Maine Coons have large, wide-set ears that are more rectangular in shape. Their ear tufts are also usually very prominent, and they often have long hairs growing out of the tops of their ears.
The long hairs that protrude from the tips of their ears make their ears appear far more pointy than they are in reality. But it happens to be one of the most consistent traits in Maine Coon kittens. As they grow older, the hairs on the tips of their ears only get longer to create a wild-cat-type look.
While this is not a feature present in all Maine Coon kittens, many of them have long hairs that stick out from their inner ear and circle outward. This gives them the appearance that they are much older than they really are. If your kitten has these hairs, it is a sign that it could just be a purebred Maine Coon kitten.
4. Maine Coon Eyes
One of the most striking features of a Maine Coon is its eyes. They have large, oval-shaped eyes that are usually a bright green or blue color. Their eyes are also set relatively far apart on their faces, which gives them an almost human-like appearance.
While bright green and blue eyes are the most common in Maine Coon kittens, golden yellow is not uncommon either. Often these brightly colored irises are circled in black which gives them a depth, unlike other domestic house cats.
5. Maine Coon Temperemant
Maine Coons are known for being gentle giants. They are usually very affectionate and loving towards their humans and make great companions. They are also relatively laid-back and easygoing, which makes them great pets for families with small children or other pets.
Maine Coons tend to be very attached to their humans, although not possessive in the least bit. They just want to be around people as often as possible, getting all the cuddles their heart desires.
They will likely curl up on your lap, or sit on your shoulder (believe it or not), but being on top of their human is what really brings them joy. If your kitten is overly loving and affectionate, there is a good chance that it is a Maine Coon.
This loving temperament is what helps them to easily adapt to new environments, so you shouldn’t have any trouble getting your furry little friend to settle in when you first bring them home. Their unique personality is what makes them loved by so many families across the world.
6. What Sound Does a Maine Coon Make?
Maine Coons are actually relatively quiet cats. They don’t typically meow very often, and when they do, it’s usually a soft, gentle sound. However, they are known for making a unique trilling noise that is similar to a bird call. This noise is usually made when they are greeting their humans or other pets.
They also tend to purr very loudly when receiving affection or sometimes merely because they are close to their humans. So if your kitten is making unique trilling noises and purring like there’s no tomorrow, there is a good chance that you have a Maine Coon in your family.
Why do Maine Coons Make Weird Noises?
Maine Coons generally make their strange trilling and chirping noises to express contentment, or feelings of comfort. But they sometimes make their noises to express hunger, thirst or discontent.
Kittens also make these noises, but it may take a while for their vocal cords to warm up. So you may only notice trills and chirps from your Maine Coon kitten at around 3-4 months.
7. Face Shape of a Maine Coon
As mentioned before, Maine Coons have large, broad faces with high cheekbones and big ears. Their noses are also usually slightly longer than that of a regular domestic cat. All of these features give them a very distinct appearance that is often described as being “regal” or “noble.”
Their chiseled faces only tend to make themselves apparent when the kitten reaches 4-5 months old, so you won’t be able to tell from a very early age. Although if your kitten does happen to be a Maine Coon, it is likely that they have quite a defined facial structure from very early on.
How to Take Care of a Maine Coon 8 Top Tips
Maine Coons are a relatively long-lived breed of cat, with many cats living to be 15 years or older. However, they do require some special care in order to stay healthy and happy.
1. Feed Your Maine Coon Nutritious Food
Maine Coons need to have a high-quality diet that is rich in protein and fat, so it’s important that you give them food specifically for Maine Coons. This way you know they are receiving the healthy balance of nutrients that they need. Be sure to feed your young cat kitten food in the beginning before moving them on to adult Maine Coon food as their nutritional needs vary slightly in their younger years.
2. Give Your Main Coon Clean Water
Maine Coons need to drink plenty of water in order to stay hydrated. The best way to provide your cat with water is to give them a bowl of fresh, clean water that is easily accessible. You should also avoid giving your Maine Coon milk, as it can upset their stomachs.
If you aren’t around during the day to supply your Maine Coon kitten with fresh water, then be sure to provide your kitten with a cat water fountain. This keeps the water moving and ensures they have water all day long.
3. Provide Your Maine Coon With a Litter Box
Maine Coons need a litter box that is large enough for them to move around in comfortably. They also prefer a litter that is soft and absorbent, such as clay or pine. Avoid using litters that are made of corn or wheat, as these can cause digestive problems.
Finally, be sure to change your Maine Coon’s litter regularly to prevent odors and bacteria build-up. Both kittens and cats are very neat creatures and prefer to avoid situations that cause them to get dirty. So ensure your cat’s litter box is always clean so they always have a safe space to do their business.
4. Allow Your Maine Coon to Exercise
Maine Coons need plenty of exercise in order to stay healthy and happy. A good way to provide your cat with exercise is to create a safe indoor space where they can run, jump, and explore.
You can also purchase toys that will help keep your Maine Coon active, such as scratching posts, climbing trees, or balls.
5. Spend Time Playing With Your Maine Coon
Apart from providing toys for your Maine Coon, it’s important that you spend time playing with your Maine Coon. This will help them stay mentally stimulated and can be a great bonding experience for you both.
Some good games to play with your Maine Coon include fetch, hide-and-seek, and chasing a Laser pointer around the room. Just be sure to supervise your Maine Coon during playtime to ensure that they don’t hurt themselves.
6. Try to Keep Your Maine Coon Indoors
While Maine Coons are technically an indoor breed of cat, there are some good reasons to keep them indoors. For one, indoor cats typically live longer and healthier lives than outdoor cats. This is because they aren’t exposed to dangers such as cars, diseases, and predators.
Additionally, indoor cats are less likely to develop behavioral problems, such as scratching furniture or urinating outside of the litter box. Finally, keeping your Maine Coon indoors will help protect local wildlife from being hunted or harmed.
You might enjoy reading my article on White Maine Coon cats.
While it’s generally best to keep your Maine Coon indoors, there are some benefits to letting them outside every so often. For one, it gives them the opportunity to explore and exercise. Additionally, being outdoors can help relieve boredom or stress for your Maine Coon.
Just be sure to supervise your cat while they’re outside, and provide them with a safe place to stay when they’re not supervised.
7. Set Up a Scratching Post for Your Maine Coon
Maine Coons love to scratch, and it’s important that you provide them with a scratching post to help satisfy this natural instinct. Scratching helps remove the dead outer layer of your Maine Coon’s nails, and it also provides them with mental and physical stimulation.
Additionally, using a scratching post can help prevent your Maine Coon from damaging your furniture or other household items.
8. Don’t Let Your Maine Coon Get Lonely
Maine Coons are social creatures and can get lonely if they don’t have enough companionship. One way to prevent this is to provide your Maine Coon with another cat to play with.
If you don’t have another cat, you can try spending more time playing with your Maine Coon or providing them with toys that encourage activity. Additionally, you can try leaving the television or radio on during the day to provide some background noise for your Maine Coon. Are you thinking about getting another cat? Here are the cat resources you need to make your final decision.
Final Thoughts on Whether Your Kitten is a Maine Coon
There is no one definitive way to determine whether or not your kitten is a Maine Coon. However, there are some things you can look for that may be indicative of Maine Coon heritage. These include large size, long fur, and big ears.
Maine Coons typically have friendly personalities and enjoy being around people. If you’re still unsure, you can always take your kitten to the vet for a cat DNA test. But ultimately, you will love your kitten equally whether it is a Maine Coon or not!
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