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Seal Point Ragdoll Cats: 12 Things That Make Them Even Cuter 2024

When looking at the wonderful world of cats, the seal point ragdoll cats are some pretty unique and adorable fluffballs. They are all such interesting little creatures and steal our hearts just as easily as our food!

One of these amazing little fur babies is none other than the Seal Point Ragdoll. It’s quite likely that you have seen these guys on social media (they do love attention), but there’s a lot you might not know about them.

Ragdolls are a unique breed, even in a world where breeds like the Dwelf cat or the Sphynx exist. They are not your average kitty, so bringing one (or several) into your home requires you to be clued into their eccentricities.

Just know this is a longhaired cat, so you need to learn how to groom them (but Ragdolls cat types are generally easier than most). Stay tuned for a cute, cool, and quirky list of things you may or may not know about the amazing Ragdoll. Who knows, you might just discover your favorite new furbaby along the way.

Read More: Are Ragdoll Cats hypoallergenic?

seal point ragdoll cat on floor


Ragdoll Seal Point Physics: What Makes Them Tick

Ragdolls are strange cats; by this, we mean that whatever you think you may know about cats, throw it out the window. While they may not have short stubby legs or weird cat folds and wrinkles, Ragdolls are quirky nonetheless.

They have quite an interesting backstory (if you dare to believe it), so keep scrolling for some details on their history and where they come from.

1. Are They Dolls? Origin and History of the Seal Ragdoll

If the stories are true, a woman named Ann Baker started the Ragdoll breed back in the 1960s. It is said that she bred these stunning cats from a white longhaired Persian cat, who happened to be a bit feral.

As the story goes, Baker accidentally ran over the poor tabby cat (fortunately, she survived). However, after her recovery, she bred with a male cat, and their offspring resulted in very laid-back kittens who go “limp” like a doll when picked up. This characteristic earned them the appropriate name of Ragdoll.

Later on, Ann created her own registry for the kitties, and the rest is, well, history. These stunners have since gone on to become a noticed, legitimate breed of their own. If one looks closely, there are quite a few other breeds that Ragdolls share characteristics with, like Siamese cats, Birmans, Persians, and Burmese.

are ragdoll cats hypoallergenic

2. Seal Point, Bi-Color and Other Cool Varieties

While you may be thinking the cat’s full breed name is Seal Point Ragdoll, that is actually only their coloring variation. Ragdolls come in four main “patterns”:

ColorPoint — Mask covering the face, plus all “points” and extremities are also colored.

Bi-color — Upside-down V masks split their face into two colors, usually white and their main color.

Lynx — Stripes and shapes form the mask over their faces, giving them a wilder, almost feral, look.

Mitted — Paws are pure white in color. There may also be some white on the face, chest, and tummy.

The colors come in blue (light to darker grey or charcoal), seal (dark brown), and chocolate (light body and light brown extremities). Some of the less common colors are lilac (grey and cream), cream (ivory and cream), and flame (red or orange) – such as the flame point Siamese.

So when we see a Seal Point Ragdoll, these are the cuties with a dark brown “mask” covering most of their faces. Other “pointed” areas are also colored darkly, like the ears, tail, nose, legs, and some parts of their bodies. Mitted often comes into play when the kitty has white “gloves” on their paws (very cute)!

Fun Fact: The patterns can often be combined, creating some truly unique-looking fur balls, like a Blue Lynx Mitted Ragdoll. Also, Ragdoll kittens are born pure white.

white ragdoll cat

3. Ragdolls Are Blue-Eyed Wonders

Chances are, if you’ve seen a ragdoll, even just in pictures, you have been mesmerized by its stunning blue eyes. This is a key trademark of the ragdoll breed. While many kittens have blue eyes when born, they slowly change to green, amber, brown, or orange as they mature.

Ragdolls keep their beautiful azure color their entire lives. It is also one of the (unofficial) ways of identifying a ragdoll: if they don’t have blue eyes, they are not pure ragdolls. (

Multiple Personalities, Amazing Characteristics

Known as the docile puppy-cats that follow you around wherever you go, Ragdolls have some unique and downright adorable traits that make them who they are. If you are lucky enough to live in a home with one, you are bound for endless oohs and aahs. Caring for a cat as easy-going as the Ragdoll is really such a breeze.

Read more:How long do cats live?

ragdoll cat face

4. Seal Point Ragdoll Kitten Size

One thing you really should know and take into account if you are considering bringing a Ragdoll home is its size. They are gentle giants: one of the largest domestic cat breeds, in fact.

Ragdolls can range from 8 to 15 pounds for females all the way up to 20 pounds for males. These hefty cats can also take up to four years to reach their full, mature size. Either way, you are in for a big cat that can easily live up to 15 years or more.

ragdoll cat on grass

5. The Seal Ragdoll Cat Has Many Doggy Traits

As mentioned, Ragdolls are affectionately known as ‘puppy cats’: they are more like dogs. They love human attention, can be taught to play fetch, and even how to walk on a leash (be sure to get a harness specifically for cats). They are the ultimate fur child when it comes to playing games and having fun.

A ragdoll will easily play chase and hide-and-seek with you, or just have their zoomies around the house while you giggle at their antics (they’re adorable).

ragdoll cat blue eyes

6. Seal Point Ragdoll Nature

While most cats vocalize or otherwise make a racket of some sort, Ragdolls are known to be on the quieter side. When you are lucky enough to hear them, you’ll even notice the soft, melodic quality of their voice.

They sound as sweet as they look, even when they moan for food (really the most adorable performance you will ever see). But what they “lack” in screaming and yowling, they more than make up for through odd sounds. You’ll be treated to a range of unique sounds from Ragdolls:

  • A soft mrrrrpp to signal any type of action they make, like jumping.
  • Chattering as they walk around the house, looking for something.
  • Growling (yes, cats can growl) at any strange, loud noises that disturb them (think doorbells).
  • Cute ‘bleats’ of sound, almost like a little lamb.

Note: Their quiet nature can often be tricky, as they tend to keep quiet even if they’re in pain, so try to always be aware of your cat and its needs.

ragdoll cat staring

7. The Ragdoll Cat Seal Points Are Lovable Weirdos 

Ragdolls are loving, caring, and nurturing by default. This is an absolute blessing when it comes to introducing them to a household with existing pets or children. They love company, adore friends and play partners, and are fine with children (being very patient).

They are, of course, also fine with being picked up, as they do tend to go limp, so the kids can have a blast with Ms. Mittens. As long as they’re taught how to handle a large cat properly, all will be well.

ragdoll against purple

8. Seal Point Bicolor Ragdoll Attitudes

Their sweet and timid natures can often hide the fact that they are still cats, and every cat is unique. Sweet but spicy is a perfect way to describe these fluffers, as they are gentle and will never try to harm you, but they also know what they want.

A Ragdoll won’t be scared to show you if they need something, whether this is licking your finger or having a slight nibble. As long as you respect their (flexible) boundaries, they will allow all the love and affection you want to give them.

Ragdoll Incoming: Prepare Your Home (And Yourself)

Once you have decided to bring one of these fluffy blankets with paws into the house, there are a few things to consider before doing so. You need to prepare for them, as they are quite a (literal) handful.

ragdoll cat

9. Seal Bicolor Ragdolls Are Expensive

Ragdolls are definitely on the list of expensive cat breeds. This is just one of the many things to consider when buying a purebred cat. Along with their initial high cost, a Ragdoll is also a large kitty, as mentioned.

This means all the normal cat equipment you might think to buy, like litter trays, beds, harnesses, etc. Double their size (and sometimes cost).

The larger the cat, the bigger the accompanying equipment you will need to get. Most litter pans will be too small for a Ragdoll, so perhaps look towards a covered litter pan that is roomy enough for them to turn around in.

10. Seal Point Mitted Ragdolls Are Stronger Than You Think

You may think that, because of their lazy nature, a Ragdoll won’t be too destructive or can cause a mess. Unfortunately, that is not the case with these cuddly cats. While they are generally very chill, they are still large cats and, therefore, very strong.

There are cat trees designed specifically for bigger cats, heavier in their construction and built using thicker, stronger elements. These heavy-duty cat-cessories are needed when dealing with a breed that can rock the entire tree if they charge at it (yes, really).

Note: As a general rule, as big and strong as they are, Ragdolls aren’t big jumpers. So you may not find them lounging on top of the cupboards; rather, they may be chilling on the floor.

ragdoll seal point cat

11. The Seal Point Ragdoll Personality Is Very Clingy

Just like an adorable dog, a Ragdoll will probably come to fetch you at the door. Once attached to your hip, you may find them shadowing you everywhere in the house, even to the bathroom. They may even try to rescue you out of the shower by hammering the glass with their considerable heft (strong kitties, remember).

So if you have any hang-ups about personal space, it is best to let them go, as a Raggie won’t leave your side often. Most people will find it cute, as it is adorable to see this fluffy cloud following your every step.

Read More:Why do dogs hate cats?

12. Medical Mysteries About Seal Mitted Ragdolls

When looking at their health, Ragdolls are generally a healthy breed, save for a few genetic conditions that they may encounter. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is quite a common heart disease that many cats can suffer from. The heart muscles thicken, which causes them to pump blood much less effectively.

They are also prone to obesity, stemming from their lazier nature, as well as potential hairballs or other digestive issues because of their long coat. Brushing a few times a week will eliminate most if not all, tangles in their coat, as well as reduce the chances of hairballs considerably.

Ragdoll Seal Point Cat: The More, the Merrier

So there we have it: Seal Point Ragdolls in a nutshell. Just one bonus tip to take away: if you can, always try to get at least two Raggies together. As we’ve said, they are very attached cats and can get lonely easily, so having a friend to play with makes all the difference.

Ragdolls are loving, caring cats that will bring a hefty amount of joy into your life. You can’t go wrong with them, and they will fit perfectly into any household. So, have you picked out a color and pattern combination yet?

ragdoll seal point walking

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